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Topics addressed in “The Civil War: Episode Two – A Very Bloody Affair (1862)” by Ken Burns (min 4 – 31) … Washington D.C. in 1862 Lincoln’s Cabinet GEN.

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Presentation on theme: "Topics addressed in “The Civil War: Episode Two – A Very Bloody Affair (1862)” by Ken Burns (min 4 – 31) … Washington D.C. in 1862 Lincoln’s Cabinet GEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topics addressed in “The Civil War: Episode Two – A Very Bloody Affair (1862)” by Ken Burns (min 4 – 31) … Washington D.C. in 1862 Lincoln’s Cabinet GEN George McClellan & reputation “Willie” dying in the White House Battle of the Ironclads, Merrimac v. Monitor GEN Ulysses S. Grant Description of average soldier and camp life

2 Secessionist Tradition Handout and Questions
Kentucky Resolution (1798) … Is about nullification Central questions regarding ambiguity of Constitution … Could states leave the Union, and was this Union permanent? “[But] whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force. [And the general government is not the] final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to itself.”

3 “A Nation Divided” worksheet
Mexican-American War causes problems … Wilmot Proviso … “Manifest Destiny” California as a free state (in 1850) leads to Fugitive Slave Act … Dred Scott Case (1857) … Raid on Harpers Ferry (1859) … “American Progress” (1872) by John Gast

4 Mexican-American War, 1846-48
- Adds to sectional tensions between North and South because? Wilmot Proviso – proposed legislation to ban slavery from “Mexican Cession”; proposed in 1846, ‘47, & ‘48

5 “Popular Sovereignty”
This is the idea that the people of a territory will vote by popular majority whether they want to allow slavery. Law meant to help slave owners recapture escaped slaves Only an affidavit or testimony needed for an arrest Accused had no right to testify Judges often ruled in favor of slave owners

6 John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry (1859)
Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) “[African Americans] had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the [he] might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit.” John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry (1859) Intended to begin slave rebellions all across the South in capturing 100,000 rifles and muskets at Harpers Ferry, Virginia.

7 “America, The Story of Us – Civil War” video concerning, interesting facts about day-to-day aspects of Civil War life: Minie ball … Civil War soldiers pinning names on uniforms …

8 Interesting facts about day-to-day aspects of Civil War life:
Deaths from infections compared to combat … Wartime photography and correspondence impacting the war…

9 Topics addressed in “The Civil War: Episode Two – A Very Bloody Affair (1862)” by Ken Burns (min 4 – 31) … Washington D.C. in 1862 Lincoln’s Cabinet GEN George McClellan & reputation “Willie” dying in the White House Battle of the Ironclads, Merrimac v. Monitor GEN Ulysses S. Grant Description of average soldier and camp life

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