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Supporting School Transformation

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1 Supporting School Transformation
Systems Thinking Supporting School Transformation

2 What is a system? Ask them to brainstorm characteristics of a system

3 A system is … A system is a collection of elements that interact with each other and function as a whole.

4 What is System Thinking?
Systems thinking is the process of understanding how elements influence one another within a larger system. In nature, systems thinking examples include ecosystems in which various elements such as air, water, movement, plants, and animals work together to survive or perish. In organizations, systems consist of people, structures, and processes that work together to make an organization "healthy" or "unhealthy".

5 Sure glad the hole is at the other end.
What happens when we don’t think systemically? Sure glad the hole is at the other end.

6 to Actually See the Whole System
We Must Often Step Back to Actually See the Whole System






12 The Concept of Mental Models is an Important Tool for Communication and for Systems Thinking
We can clarify our own thinking by understanding our own mental models. By discussing mental models, we can better define what people mean and think. Realize we see all events and data based on our mental models.


14 What are mental models? Images people have of themselves, others,
their environments, and the things with which they interact. Click on head to watch brief video PRO cucchiaio Follow Peter Senge: Mental Models 964 views faves comments Date take on Uploaded on October 11, 2014 Some rights reserved camera exifs Extended Exif Show EXIF 
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15 Monkeying Around with Mental Models
So let’s look at how mental models get monkeys and humans caught up. Click on monkey



18 A School Example (EVENT) New principal calls teachers together to talk about a curriculum writing workshop for the summer. Is shocked at teachers’ negative response. (PATTERN) After meeting, he debriefs with asst. principal who points out that for the past 5 years there have been many stops and starts with curriculum work. (SYSTEM) Eight years ago the superintendent turned the work of curriculum writing over to the schools in an effort to make the district more site-based. He is now calling for a comprehensive curriculum aligned with common core standards. (MENTAL MODEL) Teachers believe that curriculum writing has little to do with their work, but is about meeting mandates. They resist the time spent when they feel there is so much real work to do. Try applying model.

19 Let’s Take a Look at Your Own Work Experiences

20 Now You Try
With your team, brainstorm some of the problems that have been bombarding you…put them on stickies and place them on the model at the point of the iceberg where you are currently addressing each problem. A website if you need to review

21 What are you noticing?

22 After You Try… Does the iceberg model help broaden your perspective? If so, how might this new perspective be helpful? 2. Consider the concept of entry, or “leverage” points. These are points at which to intervene in a system that could lead to systemic transformation. 3. Does the exercise show you any new entry points at which you are inspired to intervene? 4. What issues that have frustrated you might be interesting to analyze with the Iceberg Model?

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