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State of play on the preparation of PoMs

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1 State of play on the preparation of PoMs
Results of a questionnaire Provided by you! Rob van der Veeren Xander Keijser

2 Timeline WG ESA meeting of Oct ‘14 tour de table on State of play on preparation of PoMs Discussion was prepared by sending in advance a list of questions Not enough time to discuss all, but lively discussion NL offered to compose report if MS would send answers in writing Significant number MS agreed to do so Report and presentation prepared for last WG ESA meeting Both considered very useful Conclusion: Effective and efficient way to stimulate useful exchange of experiences, that could be repeated (e.g. on progress on – and difficulties with – implementation of measures)

3 Summary of the results Reactions received from 18 Member States:
Belgium Italy Portugal Estonia Latvia Romania Finland Lithuania Spain France Malta Sweden Germany The Netherlands UK Ireland Poland UNEP MAP Thank you!

4 Some MS are finished… …but some are still very busy

5 1. Examples of measures Most 1a and 1b measures refer to EU directives, e.g. WFD, EU Port Reception Facilities Directive, Nitrates Directive, CFP Category 2a often relates to MPAs and Natura 2000 policies Litter related measures are often mentioned as 2b measure According to some MS certain additional measures they intend to take for the MSFD have already been agreed upon and are therefore no ‘new measures’, but category 1b measures 1a Fertilizer related requirements Fisheries policies Port reception facilities Marine protected areas Waste water treatment Beach cleaning 1b Enhancement of existing policies, e.g. Fisheries policies, including discard ban Nitrate Directive, including buffer strips Wastewater treatment and sewerage Ballast water convention Designation of new MPA’s WFD 2a MPA’s Natura 2000 related regulations 2b Litter related measures

6 2. Definition of measures
Most MS use or refer to PoM recommendations document for defining a measure Most MS apply a broad definition, including green deals. However, for green deals it appears to be difficult to perform a CBA. Different views on whether actions taken by private companies are considered to be part of the PoM Some MS try to include as many actions taken by various actors that may contribute to GES as possible (to avoid gaps in PoM)

7 3. Assessment of contribution existing measures
Most MS have performed (or will perform) a GAP analysis Important challenge: Lack of knowledge on the cause effect relationships, making it difficult to estimate the contribution of measures to reaching GES. Therefore, many MS largely rely on expert judgment and qualitative assessment. Others will rely on monitoring. Expert judgements seem to be used by MS that perform the assessment as part of their ex ante analyses Monitoring seems to be used as part of ex post assessments

8 4. Challenges performing cost-benefit analysis
Most important challenges: lack of data on costs of measures limited understanding of the cause-effect relationships and ecological processes, making quantification of environmental and social impacts of measures difficult/impossible Therefore, most MS use expert judgement, many assumptions and qualitative analyses, including scores in classes instead of monetary numbers Another challenge mentioned by various MS is lack of funds and/or time/capacity to perform the analyses

9 5. Role of CBA in the decision making process
Since not all MS have performed the analyses yet, not all MS could answer this question Various (potential) uses are mentioned. The most important ones: To narrow down the number of potential measures To support decision making process To inform policy makers and the wider public (often more than one answer was given)

10 6. International cooperation
Most MS have contact with their neighbouring countries and/or RSC International cooperation is in generally good and useful However, there is room for improvement. Most importantly with respect to regional coherence, e.g. by starting international cooperation earlier in the process in the second round of analyses and by devoting more international attention and coordination to economic analyses The fact that different MS are in different phases in the process makes it difficult to achieve real and effective coordination. But those who started later, can learn from those who are further in the process (e.g. copy interesting methods and learn from mistakes and other experiences)

11 7. CBA on performing CBA Not many answers to this question, because:
Didn’t perform a CBA yet This question may have been considered redundant May be did not understand the question? The range of answers is quite broad However, in general, performing economic analysis requires adequate funding, capacity and time

12 8. Experiences with applying/justifying exceptions
Only a few answers to this question Still under consideration, no experiences to share

13 Summary Almost all Member States responded to the questionnaire
Long list of 1a and 1b measures, but 2a was significantly shorter and only a few examples of 2b measures were provided Most MS apply a broad definition, including green deals. However, for green deals it appears to be difficult to perform a CBA Most important challenges: data availability, quantification of environmental and social impacts, and the baseline scenario Performing CBA takes time and capacity CBA has different roles: fine-tune possible measures, support decision making and to inform policy makers and the wider public International cooperation works, but there is room for improvement WG ESA is enthusiastic about this type of information exchange

14 See you in Helsinki? Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, June

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