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Embedding Industry Credentials:

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Presentation on theme: "Embedding Industry Credentials:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedding Industry Credentials:
An Early Adopter Goals of Presentation How to partner with national industry associations to ensure participants receive credentials How to embed industry-recognized credentials into career pathways How to overcome challenges to implementation Learn options and opportunities for working with national industry associations

2 Embedding Industry Credentials:
An Early Adopter Introduction Southeastern Economic and Education Leadership Consortium (SEELC) is a six college consortium (TN, FL, NC) with two main service interventions: Integrate regional economic and workforce development to improve the skills and employment of individuals Formally partner with national industry associations to educate and credential staff and participants Early adopter in contracting with industry association

3 Embedding Industry Credentials: Activities and Deliverables
An Early Adopter Activities and Deliverables Develop curriculum and credentials aligned to national industry standards and competencies Align national industry credential development to current TAACCCT projects Align national industry credential development to existing and new associate’s degrees

4 Embedding Industry Credentials:
An Early Adopter

5 Embedding Industry Credentials: Establish Partnership
An Early Adopter Establish Partnership Flat-rate plan – positions the organization to offer unlimited certification exams to students at no cost to the student “Canned Packages” (Right Skills Now, PMT) Outcomes: Increased number of certifications Increased number of jobs Increased wages

6 Embedding Industry Credentials: Training and Technical Assistance
An Early Adopter Training and Technical Assistance

7 Embedding Industry Credentials:
An Early Adopter Next Steps Select best fit for organization NIMS certification translation toolkit Register with NIMS to review standards, study guides and more Learn more about endorsed materials Join new national initiatives – Industrial Maintenance, CAM, Haas Education Center

8 Embedding Industry Credentials: Questions and Discussion
An Early Adopter Questions and Discussion Mason Bishop: Brandon Walters: Melanie Stover:

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