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SUMMARY OF 2 TIMOTHY 1 Paul regularly thanked and prayed to God for Timothy, because of his faith,which had been influenced by his mother and grandmother.

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Presentation on theme: "SUMMARY OF 2 TIMOTHY 1 Paul regularly thanked and prayed to God for Timothy, because of his faith,which had been influenced by his mother and grandmother."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUMMARY OF 2 TIMOTHY 1 Paul regularly thanked and prayed to God for Timothy, because of his faith,which had been influenced by his mother and grandmother. Paul reminded Timothy in order to stir up the gift that had been given to him. He told Timothy not to be ashamed of the testimony of the Lord, nor of Paul’s chains.

2 SUMMARY OF 2 TIMOTHY 1 Jesus appeared, abolishing death and bringing life, calling us to be saved through His grace (rather than us earning it through works), through a plan that God established before time began. Paul had been appointed a preacher, apostle and teacher of the Gentiles.

3 SUMMARY OF 2 TIMOTHY 1 Paul suffered and was not ashamed because he was convinced of God’s ability to guard what Paul had committed to him. Keep the pattern of sound words learned from Paul, and the faith and love in Christ.

4 All in Asia had turned away from Paul.
SUMMARY OF 2 TIMOTHY 1 All in Asia had turned away from Paul. Onesiphorus wasn’t ashamed of Paul, had earnestly sought him out, and had refreshed him often.

5 2 TIMOTHY 2:1-6 You therefore (focuses on the preceding points), be strong in the grace of Christ Jesus. In light of the fact that some had turned away (1:15), strength would be needed. Eph. 6:10.

6 Grace: Unmerited favor
2 TIMOTHY 2:1-6 Grace: Unmerited favor “What stronger motivating force can possibly be brought to bear upon man than to reflect upon the grace that made him a child of the Almighty God, the price paid for his redemption, the providential care of a loving heavenly Father, the cherishing in one’s heart the hope of immortal glory, and all of the spiritual blessings in Christ?” M.E. Patton, Truth Commentary.

7 2 TIMOTHY 2:1-6 Paul, now in his second imprisonment in Rome, his death at hand, is concerned for Timothy’s faith. Timothy had heard Paul teach in the presence of many. He was to entrust these things to faithful men, who would teach others. Note 1:13, Sound words heard from Paul.

8 Timothy was to endure hardship, like a soldier of Christ.
Soldiers endure many hardships: Long marches and other difficult physical demands. Exposure to the elements. Hunger and thirst. Bad living conditions. Separation from family. Enemy attacks.

9 A Soldier of Christ will endure hardships:
2 TIMOTHY 2:1-6 A Soldier of Christ will endure hardships: Hatred from the world. Jn. 15:18,19 Persecution and Slander. Mt. 5:10-12; Timothy 3:12; 1 Peter 4:12-16. Paul had experienced a lot of hardships. 2 Corinthians 11:23-28.

10 A soldier does not get entangled with civilian pursuits.
2 TIMOTHY 2:1-6 A soldier does not get entangled with civilian pursuits. Paul is likely thinking of Roman soldiers who could not marry, have secular trades, be tutors. Generally they were not to do anything to would divert their attention from executing the missions assigned by their superiors.

11 2 TIMOTHY 2:1-6 This does not preclude a preacher from a secular occupation or relationships, because Paul occasionally worked as a tentmaker to support himself (Acts 18:3). Peter was married (Matthew 8:14). But a preacher (and by extension all Christians) is not to become “entangled” with secular interests or pursuits (e.g. thorny ground, Matthew 13:22).

12 2 TIMOTHY 2:1-6 An athlete (masteries KJV) must abide by the rules to receive the winner’s crown. Greek athletes had to abide by strict training regimen, rigid diet and to separate himself from daily life. If he didn’t, he was barred from competing.

13 The hard working farmer will have first share of the crops.
2 TIMOTHY 2:1-6 The hard working farmer will have first share of the crops. The farmer must work hard, till the ground, plant the crops at the appropriate time, weed, fertilize, etc. in order to produce a crop. He of course, will be entitled to the first share of the crops he raised.

14 Athlete, abides by the rules, receives the crown.
2 TIMOTHY 2:1-6 Need for endurance and suffering emphasized in triplicate. Example, area of commitment, reward. Soldier, doesn’t get entangled by secular interests, pleases his superior. Athlete, abides by the rules, receives the crown. Farmer, works hard, gets the first share of the crops.

15 2 TIMOTHY 2:7-13 Consider what I say. Consider: perceive, think about ponder, meditate. Ref. 1 Tim. 4:15. Think about the soldier, athlete, farmer who strive for honors of this world. We strive for a much greater reward.

16 2 TIMOTHY 2:7-13 Think about Jesus, risen from the dead, the seed of David. If Jesus, one from royal descent had to suffer/endure hardship, than we need to be willing to as well. Paul as well, suffering because of the gospel he preached, chained like a common criminal. (Gk. kakourgos, only other use in Luke 23:32,39 of the criminals executed with Jesus). But the word of God wasn’t bound!

17 2 TIMOTHY 2:7-13 Paul endured everything for the sake of the “elect” (chosen ones, Christians), so that they may obtain salvation. What if he had wavered, compromised, or backed down? What impact would it have had? “If we have died with Him, we will also live with Him”. Romans 6:1-14; Gal. 2:20; Col. 3:3; 1 Peter 2:24. Our old man of sin dies at baptism, and we are raised to walk in newness of life.

18 2 TIMOTHY 2:7-13 “If we endure, we will also reign”. When does the reigning occur? Consider Rev. 5:10 and Ephesians 2:5,6 which suggest that it occurs during this life. “If we deny him, he will also deny us”. Matthew 10:33; Mark 8:38. Emperor worship would soon be enforced demanding Christians deny Christ and worship the emperor as a God.

19 2 TIMOTHY 2:7-13 “If we are faithless, he remains faithful”. Even though we may fail, God does not. God keeps his promises. God’s faithfulness in keeping His word is a part of Him that he cannot deny (Numbers 23:13; Hebrews 6:18; Titus 1:2).

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