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Protein Synthesis Recap

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1 Protein Synthesis Recap
How does protein synthesis happen? Starter: make a list of key words associated with protein synthesis. Can you put them in a sensible order?

2 Protein synthesis – how it happens.
What key words do you think will come up as I explain this? 1) Watch this video and make some notes on what happens.

3 Task Complete the cut and paste task.

4 Specialised cells What different types of cell are there? Starter:
List as many types of cell as you can. What different types of cell are there?

5 Learning Outcomes list a variety of proteins, outlining their appearance and function describe how body cells in an organism contain the same genes recall that many genes in a particular cell are switched off outline the one gene  one protein theory What different types of cell are there?

6 Key word Stem Cell – An unspecialised cell which has the potential to turn into any specialised cell.

7 Think Pair Share – Is this a good model for specialised cells? Why?
Why are the players in a rugby union team different shapes and sizes? Think Pair Share – Is this a good model for specialised cells? Why? What different types of cell are there?

8 Check point I can say what a specialised cell is. Yes Thumbs up No
Thumbs down Success criteria State what a specialised cell is. What different types of cell are there?

9 Check point Which of these is not a human specialised cell?
1) Fat cell 2) Root hair cell 3) Brain cell 4) Egg cell What different types of cell are there?

10 Think – Pair - Share If all our cells are genetically identical why do we have so many different types of cell?

11 Think – Pair – share How many proteins are found in this cell?
Stem Cell Gene

12 Switching genes on and off
Stem Cell Muscle Cell on off Skin Cell How many proteins does each cell have? Brain Cell

13 Stem cells and differentiation.
Cells that make up embryos are called stem cells. These are unspecialised but can turn into any type of cell if they get the correct message. A muscle cell is the same as a heart cell but different genes have been turned on/off making it produce different proteins and therefore behave differently.

14 Proteins If you remove all the water from a human body, 90% of what remains is protein. What types of protein are there? Read the information, highlight the key words and use it to complete the questions.

15 6 mark Q Humans all develop from 1 cell. Explain in detail, how it is possible for a human to end up with so many types of cell. Task: answer this question and write a marking scheme to go with it. (1 mark will be for SPAG)

16 Make a revision card for specialised cells.

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