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4th to 6th October 2016, Grange Ireland Matthias Chapman-Rose

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Presentation on theme: "4th to 6th October 2016, Grange Ireland Matthias Chapman-Rose"— Presentation transcript:

1 Action to improve the productivity and welfare of pigs with the aim of reducing tail docking
4th to 6th October 2016, Grange Ireland Matthias Chapman-Rose Animal Welfare Division German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

2 Content Overview activities & initiatives in Germany Main problems

3 Overview – Situation in Germany
Several activities / initiatives Research level Retailer, NGO, Industry, etc. Government level State („Länder“) level (CA) Federal level

4 Retailer, NGO, Industry, etc.
For example: brand meat programmes / Animal welfare labels (Initiative Animal Welfare) Annual Exchange Meeting since (ZDS)

5 Initiatives – State („Länder“) Level (CA)
For example: Advisory schemes Interpretation aid for enrichment material Research programmes „Curly tail bonus“ (€16.50/pig) Handbook (manual)

6 Initiatives – Federal Level I
Standing State Secretary Committee AW (Federal & Länder): mandate Federal Research Institute (FLI) to identify research needs and organise and coordinate research with Länder research farms

7 Initiatives – Federal Level II
Voluntary Agreement with industry (not accomplished yet) Research budget: since 2011 ca. €3m-€4m In process of planning: developing and building a „Model-“Farm

8 Initiatives – Federal Level III
Model and Demonstration AW Scheme (since 2013) (tail biting approx. €1.6m-€2m) goal: Putting new scientific findings into practice 3 main approaches: Advisory scheme, Demonstration farms, „Platform of knowledge“

9 I Model and Demonstration AW Scheme
2013 – 2016 Advisory scheme: Project 1: Prevention of tail biting Project 2: Intervention at acute tail biting holistic approach, risk assessment (Schwip) -> recommendations for actions

10 II Model and Demonstration AW Scheme:
since 2015 „Demonstration“-farms 10 Farms (5x piglet production; 5x fattening pigs) Implement higher standards and better management 3-4x/a exchange experiences Pass information on to other farmers („show room“) Accomplish partly long tail (but with high input)

11 III Model and Demonstration AW Scheme:
currently in process of planning: „Platform of knowledge“ Implementing a facility which collects, processes & provides information (scientific findings etc.) for farmers

12 Initiatives – Federal Level IV
Joint position paper - DK, NL, SE, DE (April 2015) Request for revision of Directive 2008/120: among others: „The responsibility for keeping tail docked pigs throughout the whole production chain needs to be reviewed.“

13 Farm 1 Piglet Production
Main Problems Tail biting Tail docking ? ! Farm 2 Weaners Farm 3 Fattening pigs ! ? Farm 1 Piglet Production Tail docking is performed either without knowledge of and without provable essential need or because weaning and/or rearing farmers demand piglets with docked tails

14 Farm 1 Piglet Production
Main Problems Tail biting Tail docking ? Farm 2 Weaners Farm 3 Fattening pigs ? Farm 1 Piglet Production Scenario a) „tails docked without knowledge of essential need“ CA was so far powerless, because Piglet producers: „Piglets are sold to a livestock dealer – no knowledge where and how the pig will be kept.“ Weaner & fattening producers: „There are only piglets with docked tails available.“

15 Farm 1 Piglet Production
Main Problems Tail biting Tail docking ! Farm 2 Weaners Farm 3 Fattening pigs ! Farm 1 Piglet Production Scenario b) „tail docked piglets demanded“ CA was so far powerless, because Weaner & fattening: „If tail is not docked, we will buy somewhere else.“ Piglet producer: „If I lose business, I will claim for compensation.“ Different enforcement

16 Farm 1 Piglet Production
Main Problems Tail biting Tail docking Farm 2 Weaners Farm 3 Fattening pigs Farm 1 Piglet Production Ideally: Regulation which excludes the possibility of keeping pigs with docked tails, unless specific conditions are proven to exist, resulting in tail docking being unavoidable. Directive 2008/120: Currently provisions address circumstances under which tails may be docked.

17 CA approach - in process of planning
EU recommendation will be taken into account by CA Willingness of all farmers to participate 1. risk assessment (third party) 2. adjustment of conditions 3. assessment animal based indicators and control group 4a. occurrence of tail biting 4b. no tail biting Stop routine tail docking

18 Summary / Conclusions Many different initiatives in Germany on different levels. Current provisions (Directive 2008/120) make it very difficult for CA to enforce the phasing out of routine tail docking. EU-recommendation can help and is a very good approach, however for a successful implementation it is crucial that all farmers along the productin chain agree to participate. Ideally declaration from EU-Farmers’ association and on national level would be provided.

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