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Evolution Unit Review.

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1 Evolution Unit Review

2 1- 5 lines of evidence for evolution - explain what each of them are and give examples of each 2-Natural selection - explain how it works and give an example (use the 4 square you just created last class) 3-Reproductive isolation and geographic isolation - explain and give examples 4-Artificial selection - explain and give an example

3 5-Finch video- explain the data the Grants collected that shows that evolution happens and how it happened twice. Explain how finches became different species (hint: explain how they choose a mate) 6-Lizard video- explain the data Dr. Losos collected on anole lizards that shows that evolution happens and what caused it to happen. Explain how lizards became different species (hint: explain how they choose a mate) 7-Stickleback lab- what caused the stickleback populations to be isolated from each other? How were sticklebacks different from each other? How was the stickleback lab related to evolution?

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