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SystemC Tutorial.

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Presentation on theme: "SystemC Tutorial."— Presentation transcript:

1 SystemC Tutorial

2 What is SystemC Library of C++ classes.
Provide an event-driven simulation interface. Enable a designer to simulate concurrent processes, each described using plain C++ syntax. Primary goal : Enable System-Level Modelling.

3 program structure: Writing an or gate example

4 Sample Code – writing an OR gate

5 How you can assure that the above design is working correctly?

6 Testbench

7 The three blocks Design Under Test (DUT) Actual design to be tested.
Driver program Generates stimuli , which are then given to the DUT as test inputs . Monitor program does the job of monitoring. It accepts the output (response)of the DUT. Displays it either to a standard console or to a text file.

8 Creating a Full Adder in SystemC
Example Creating a Full Adder in SystemC

9 Full adder using two half adders

10 VCD wave

11 xor2.h halfadder.h monitor.h and2.h driver.h fulladder.h Or2.h

12 Creating a D FLIP FLOP in SystemC
Example Creating a D FLIP FLOP in SystemC

13 D Flip Flop

14 VCD wave

15 monitor.h driver.h d_flip_flop.h

16 Thank You !

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