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Challenges of the gold standard in practice

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1 Challenges of the gold standard in practice
Using quasi-experimental studies for social research Tuesday 7 July 2015 Lara Rapson, Prof. Philippa Howden Chapman, Dr Nevil Pierse

2 Outline My background Social housing context
Strengths of experimental studies Considerations Discussion

3 My background

4 Project context Before/after quasi-experimental study to understand the impacts of a social housing complex upgrade on tenants’ mental and physical health educational performance social cohesion and safety Group Pretest Treatment Posttest Intervention Control

5 Arlington Apartments

6 Strengths of experimental studies
Mitigates threats to internal validity Helps determine causality Controlled experiment and numbers are often more compelling to decision makers Adaptive management – learn as you go

7 Timeline 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Upgrade of Site 2
Participant recruitment Preliminary report Reengage participants Final report This is just to illustrate the predicted time of the upgrade and the evaluation.

8 Considerations Viability - not always practical
Shifting timelines and personnel Council decisions Potential participants changing Comparable control group External changes e.g. government policy Considered by some as unethical – social engineering

9 How I have dealt with these
Multiple sources of information Triangulating results Insider/outsider dynamic

10 Feedback and Discussion Welcome
Photos by Mondy Jera

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