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Consumer Culture Targeting Teenagers with Advertising.

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1 Consumer Culture Targeting Teenagers with Advertising

2 What is Advertising? Definitions Advertising: Advert:
the action of calling something to the attention of the public especially by paid announcements. Advert: a public notice that is normally published in the press or broadcast over the air to help sell a product.

3 Surrounded by Adverts Why are we surrounded by so many adverts?
We live in a consumer culture, a culture driven by buying things. Companies want consumers to buy things in order for them to make money.

4 Targeted Advertising Adverts are not always aimed at the same audience. They are targeted towards a specific demographic. Examples of different demographics: Children Teenagers Young adults Parents Old People Often adverts can also be gender specific or targeted towards specific economic backgrounds.

5 Why do advertisers market to teens?
Teens are considered as the largest consumer demographic (group) that buy things. They are seen to have some disposable income that can be spent on things that they don’t need because they often receive pocket money. Teens can influence their friends and parents. Companies are keen to establish brand loyalty (dedication to a specific brand)at an early age because then the teenagers are likely to continue buying that brand when they are older.

6 What’s so special about teenagers?
Do you agree that these things apply more to teenagers than other groups? They are more affected by peer pressure They are more concerned with being cool What adverts appeal to you but don’t appeal to your parents? Advertisers use these characteristics to their advantage. They know that teens often have insecurities and a desire to fit in, and that they are prone to peer pressure. They use these characteristics in their strategies to make their products sell.










16 General Advertising Strategies
Buying a lifestyle, not a product Buying an image, not a product Attracting your attention with humour Attracting your attention with shock

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