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Charles Campbell & Lois U. Wiggins

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Presentation on theme: "Charles Campbell & Lois U. Wiggins"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charles Campbell & Lois U. Wiggins

2 This clinic…. This clinic will present a step by step approach and resources to aid preparing your concert program for successful performances.

3 You can only eat an Elephant one bite at a time.

4 TONE INTONATION BALANCE TECHNIQUE “Just as a master chef in a five star restaurant must be concerned about the ingredients used in every dish served… the same is true of a maestro preparing all the musical components of a wind ensemble rehearsal.” Chuck Campbell

5 It’s Not Just What you play…. It’s How you Play it.
MUSIC Variety of Style & Textures Technical Issues Appropriateness SCORE STUDY RECORDINGS RECORDING YOUR BAND GUEST CONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTATION “We (composers) often hear admonitions to raise the level of band music. This can’t be done…we must raise the taste of the conductor.” Francis McBeth

6 If You See a Turtle on a Fence Post…
Your Know He didn't Get There by Himself!

7 Middle School Instrumentation – making it happen Cultivating the color instruments (practice horns, deliberate recruiting) Music Selection – to fit your ensemble! Expectations, Expectations, Expectations…

8 Would You Want a Fox.... to Guard Your Hen House?

9 High School Administration Boosters Bus Drivers Others….

10 Some Resources.. Middle School
101 Rhythmic Rest Patterns, Alfred Bach and Before for Band, Kjos Great Warm Ups for Young Bands, Kjos Great Warm Ups for Advancing Bands, Kjos Foundations to Superior Performance, Kjos Scale Preps for Beginning Bands, Curnow Music Strickly Technic, Alfred Keyboard Poster

11 Some Resources.. High School
101 Rhythmic Rest Patterns, Alfred “Fussell” Exercises for Ensemble Drill, Alfred Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, C L Barnhouse Sixteen Chorales by J.S. Bach, G. Schirmer Symphonic Warm-ups for Band, Jenson Tips for Band, Alfred Tone Builders for Developing Bands, Curnow Tone Studies for Band, Curnow Tone Studies “2” for Band, Curnow Essential Elements 2000, Hal Leonard

12 Abraham Lincoln…. If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six hours sharpening my ax. Notes, Rhythms, scales and exercises are the tools, the concert performance is the tree..

13 “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted or Beethoven composed or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.’” Martin Luther King Jr.

14 “The destiny of your program is relevant to your expectations and knowledge you bring to your classroom” Chuck Campbell

15 Always Fan the Flame of Success!

16 It Might….. Set the World on Fire!

17 Thanks for coming!

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