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Chapter 1 Introduction of Arduino

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1 Chapter 1 Introduction of Arduino

2 Table of contents Electricity Microcontroller Resistors LED
Bread Board Example 1 Inputs and Outputs Arduino Software Example 2 Exercise 1 and 2

3 Electricity A current that flows in the wire
Electricity is like water in a pipe The current is calculate in amp (A)

4 Microcontroller It’s a small computer
You can find it in most electronics It control all components connected to him

5 Resistors It limits the flow of currents
Every components have a resistance Example : a wire got a really small resistance The resistance value is calculate in ohm(Ω)

6 Light Emitting Diode (LED)
It’s a small light bulb It can’t be place alone Always put a resistor before or after

7 Bread board

8 Example 1 Power a LED

9 Remember to put a resistor

10 Inputs and outputs Each input can be outputs Digital PWM Analog

11 Arduino Software Void Setup Void Loop Verify Code Upload code Monitor

12 Example 2 Control when LED is on
Control any component Programming is needed

13 Example 2 Control when LED is on

14 Exercise 1 Power on one led at a time until the 5 of them are on and shut them off one at a time to create a sequence. You can try different sequence once the first on is done.

15 Exercise 2 Write your name out in Morse code using half a second on for a dot and 1 second on for a dash. Use the image below to spell your name. the led should stay off for half a second between dots and dashes and off for 1 second between words.

16 Next Chapter Push Button and Potentiometer

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