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Project Pitch..

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1 Project Pitch.

2 My idea (Unit 9 1.1): For my project I will be investigating the theme of obsession through a format of a photo journal which will combine photography and article writing into one document. Regarding my theme it will be specifically towards obsession with digital and modern technology. I have decided on these formats together because following on from recent sessions involving image analysis it has inspired my, along with my current love for photography, to produce something in a format that I haven't tried yet. I also hope that the writing will educate the audience yet the photos will provide different points of view with obsession even in a narrowed-down context.

3 Target audience (Unit 9 1.1):
The target audience for my project will be aimed at people aged of all backgrounds and genders. There is no specific age for this since any digital technology can be used by anyone in this age range. However, due to my combined format, I feel that those with an interest in modern technology are part of the audience, also those with an interest in only one type since an article and image for that could be their main focus. My target audience also involves those who are interested in various forms of digital/modern media, photographers and even those who have experienced an unhealthy relationship with digital technology in any way.

4 Research (Unit 9 1.2): For my research I will carry out a mixture of primary and secondary forms. Secondary will involve researching existing news articles, photojournalism blogs and statistics on digital obsession (smartphones, gaming and social media) as well as their impact on our lives, both positive and negative. I will also be analysing the structure, language choices and tone of my format once decided upon. For the photography half of my project I will be gathering producing a mood board on images and photos that show obsession in order to gain ideas on what photos I can produce to show my theme. I am considering researching an existing news website or blog in order to emulate my project. This is where my primary research will come in depending on what existing blogs/websites are out there and whether they use vox pops, interviews or qualitative or quantitative research.

5 Pre-production (Unit 9 2.1):
The majority of the pre-production will involve taking the photos for my photo journal since I will need to consider the health and safety of other people. For instance, if I will be featuring others in them I will need to produce consent forms and have them approved of before I can have them featured in my work. This also applies to certain locations and environments as some don’t allow the use of any photography, in which case I will avoid completely. Aside from health and safety considerations, I will also carry out some general planning such as a production schedule to manage my time including weekly checklists of what needs to be completed by.

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