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SmartResource Project: 3-rd year (2006)

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Presentation on theme: "SmartResource Project: 3-rd year (2006)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SmartResource Project: 3-rd year (2006)
Status Report (11 October 2006) “Expert” Resource Agent “Device” Resource Agent Resource Agent “Service” PI University of Jyväskylä Industrial Ontologies Group

2 Project Team: Industrial Ontologies Group
University of Jyväskylä Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics Researchers Vagan Terziyan Oleksiy Khriyenko Olena Kaykova Oleksiy Loboda Contact Person: Timo Tiihonen s: phone: Sergiy Nikitin Yaroslav Tsaruk Artem Katasonov URL:

3 Contents Status of the project deliverable D3 Project Budget Status
Publications Metso case ABB case Project Budget Status Important Days

4 D3.1: D3.2: D3.3: ------: Status of the project deliverable D3
Checkpoint_1 - (15 May 2006) D3.1: General Networking Framework (GNF)(RP/IDF, sample of RP/IDF-based domain ontology, support for basic interaction scenarios and trust exchange.) ( completed) Checkpoint_2 - (11 October 2006) D3.2: SmartResource Platform in Distributed Power Networks Maintenance (Design of the SmartResource platform for the domain of distributed energy networks maintenance. Pilot ontology of the distribute power network and agent-driven platform to manage the distributed communications) ( completed) D3.3: SmartResource Platform for Web Service Interactions’ Semantic Log (Design of SmartResource Platform for the scenario of interaction among SOAP-based Web Services. Pilot ontology, basic business intelligence tools ) ( completed) Checkpoint_3 - (20 December 2006) ------: Summarizing Research, Road-mapping, Business Analysis, Reporting

5 Schedule GNF research Doctoral Studies
1 checkpoint 2 checkpoint 3 checkpoint GNF research SmartResource Platform in Distributed Power Networks Maintenance SmartResource Platform for Web Service Interactions’ Semantic Log Summarizing Research, Road-mapping, Business Analysis, Reporting Doctoral Studies 1 Feb 2006 Mar 2006 Apr 2006 15 May 2006 Jun 2006 July 2006 Aug 2006 Sep 11 Oct 2006 Nov 20 Dec 2006 Working seminars at companies: August

6 Deliverable D3.2 & D3.3 D3.2: D3.3: Checkpoint_2 - (11 October 2006)
SmartResource Platform in Distributed Power Networks Maintenance (Design of the SmartResource platform for the domain of distributed energy networks maintenance. Pilot ontology of the distribute power network and agent-driven platform to manage the distributed communications) D3.3: SmartResource Platform for Web Service Interactions’ Semantic Log (Design of SmartResource Platform for the scenario of interaction among SOAP-based Web Services. Pilot ontology, basic business intelligence tools )

7 Publications (2006)

8 SmartResource Publications (2006)
Books chapters: Ermolayev V., Keberle N., Kononenko O., Terziyan V., Proactively Composing Web Services as Tasks by Semantic Web Agents, In: L.J. Zang (Ed.), Modern Technologies in Web Services Research, Idea Group Inc., 2006, 31 pp., (to appear). Ermolayev V., Terziyan V., Kaykova O., UKRAINE, In: M. Lytras (Ed.), Semantic Web Fact Book 2005, AIS SIGSEMIS, 2006, ISSN: , pp Terziyan V., Katasonov A., Semantic Web of Things: Applying Semantic Web to Industry Infrastructures, In: J. Cardoso, M. Hepp, M. Lytras (eds.), Real-world Applications of Semantic Web Technology and Ontologies, Springer, 2007, 31 pp. (submitted 16 August 2006). Terziyan V., Challenges of the "Global Understanding Environment" based on Agent Mobility, In: V. Sugumaran (ed.), Advanced Topics in Intelligent Information Technologies, Vol. 1, 2006, Idea Group, pp

9 SmartResource Publications (2006)
Refereed Journal Papers: Terziyan V., Bayesian Reasoning based on Predictive and Contextual Feature Selection, In: International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Special Issue, 2006, World Scientific, ISSN: , 20 pp. (Extended version of SETN-2006 conference paper, submitted 28 September 2006). Kaykova O., Khriyenko O., Kovtun D., Naumenko A., Terziyan V., Zharko A., Challenges of General Adaptation Framework for Industrial Semantic Web, In: A. Sheth and M. Lytras (eds.), Advanced Topics in Semantic Web, Idea Group, Vol. 1, 33 pp. (to appear). Khriyenko O., Terziyan V., A Framework for Context-Sensitive Metadata Description, In: International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, ISSN , 11 pp. (to appear). Naumenko A., Nikitin S., Terziyan V., Service Matching in Agent Systems, In: International Journal of Applied Intelligence, In: M.S. Kwang (Ed.), Special Issue on Agent-Based Grid Computing, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2006, ISSN: X, pp

10 SmartResource Publications (2006)
Refereed Conference Papers: Terziyan V., Bayesian Metanetwork for Context-Sensitive Feature Relevance, In: G. Antoniou et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 4-th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2006), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3955, 2006, pp Khriyenko O., Proactivity Layer of the Smart Resource in Semantic Web, In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference SEMANTICS 2006, November 28-30, 2006, TechGate in Vienna, Austria, Springer, LNAI, 15 pp., (submitted 23 May, 2006).

11 SmartResource Metso case

12 Background & Motivation
Problem scenario: Advanced querying Data extraction Data presentation Integrated Knowledge Information Resource Information Resource Information Resource Resource Data Resource Data Resource Data Common Application Domain

13 Background & Motivation
METSO scenario: Advanced querying Data extraction Data presentation Mill ontology Paper Mill 1 Paper Mill 2 Paper Mill n Fault data Fault data Fault data Common Application Domain

14 Architectural Components
Browsing and annotation tool Mill ontology storage Web Service SOAP message SOAP message SOAP message Paper Mill 1 Paper Mill 2 Paper Mill n Fault data Fault data Fault data Common Application Domain

15 Architectural Components (1)
Domain Ontology Domain Analysis SOAP message SOAP message SOAP message Paper Mill 1 Paper Mill 2 Paper Mill n Fault data Fault data Fault data Common Application Domain

16 Architectural Components (2)
Implementation Details Browsing and Annotation tool METSOBROWSER XML SeRQL HTML Query Results XML Graph MSGHANDLER Paper Mill 1 SOAP message Web Service Adapter Paper Mill 2 Paper Mill n SOAP message

17 Architectural Components (3)
Browsing Tool and Adapter Dynamic Query generation based on the fields selected XML <query> <starttime> T17:22:39</starttime> <endtime> T17:22:39</ endtime > <status>HighHigh</status> </query> XML SeRQL SELECT message,time,messengername,maintcentername,msgtypeid,recgroupname,productionlinename,customername,statusname,failuredesc,tag,value,lowlimit,highlimit FROM {message} ns:time {time}, {message} ns:hasMsgType {} ns:msgId {msgtypeid}, {message} ns:messageSender {} ns:messengerName {messengername}, {message} ns:messageReceiver {} ns:maintCenterName {maintcentername}, {message} ns:receiverGroup {} ns:receiverGroupName {recgroupname}, {message} ns:hasAlarm {alarm}, {alarm} ns:failureDescription {failuredesc}; ns:value {value}; [ns:tag {tag}]; [ns:lowLimit {lowlimit}]; [ns:highLimit {highlimit}]; ns:productionLine {} ns:productionLineName {productionlinename}, {alarm} ns:customer {} ns:customerName {customername}, {alarm} ns:status {} ns:statusName {statusname} WHERE time < " T06:02:00"^^xsd:dateTime AND time > " T06:02:00"^^xsd:dateTime AND NOT failuredesc LIKE "Delaminaatio2" USING NAMESPACE ns = SeRQL

18 Architectural Components (4)
Message Annotation XML XML RDF Graph Graph data

19 Integration with SmartResource platform
Browsing and Annotation tool Real-Time Monitoring tool METSOBROWSER XML SeRQL HTML Query Results XML Graph MSGHANDLER Paper Mill 1 SOAP message Web Service Paper Mill 2 Paper Mill n KML SOAP Adapter SOAP message SOAP message METSO STORAGE AGENT METSO EXPERT AGENT

20 SmartResource ABB case

21 Extending existing interactions
Data Web Service Resources of “open Internet” SmartResource Platform Other sub-networks DMS MicroSCADA Operator Existing interactions

22 Potential add-value Networks interoperability: sharing information between sub-networks of the integral power network. New business models: possibility of providing some of the ABB knowledge in the form of web-services. Data integration: integration of data that is utilized currently with various contextual information - for risk analysis, facilitation of fault localization, and other. Interface enhancement: including dynamic, e.g., geographic information. Knowledge transferring: possibility of implementing web-services learning from the human experts (e.g. to speed-up the decision making process). Flexibility of configuration: flexibly defining the interaction protocols of all the participating entities (devices, services, humans)

23 Entities in the ABB prototype
2 Operator Network Structure Storage Feeder 2 Fault Localization Service Risks Alert Service Weather Service Ontology Directory Facilitator

24 ABB prototype screenshot

25 SmartResource The core platform

26 Reusable atomic behaviors (RABs)
3-Layer Agent Architecture SmartResource Agent .class (Java code) Assign Role Scripts for Roles Live activity Beliefs storage (Knowledge/Goals/Intentions) activity Activity Activity Activity Activity .class Reusable atomic behaviors (RABs)

27 Externalization of behaviour models
SmartResource Agent .class Ontology of the Roles Assign Role Script-Roles Live activity .class activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Beliefs storage Advantages include: Flexibility for control and coordination Remote control Up-to-date role scripts An agent may ‘learn’ how to play a new role in run-time Inter-agent behavior awareness To understand how to interact with another agent To coordinate behavior of several agents

28 Pool of Atomic Behaviours
On-demand access of RABs SmartResource Agent .class Ontology of the Roles Assign Role Script-Roles Live activity .class activity Activity Activity Activity Activity Beliefs storage Pool of Atomic Behaviours Added advantages: Ability to ‘learn’ new behaviours “Light start” with on-demand extension of functionality

29 Interaction scenario: Agent creation
6. Load received scripts Ontology 5. Feeder 1 1. Load 4. Give scripts for the roles “FeederAgent”, “Feeder1” and “General” startup.rdf 3. Agent named “Ontology” 0. 2. Who plays the role “OntologyAgent”? Directory Facilitator In run.bat: Feeder:smartresource.core.SmartResourceAgent(FeederAgent+Feeder1+General, startup.rdf)

30 Scenario: Auction for service selection
7a. I have that role already LS1 LS2 7b. “Operator” has right of doing such requests. I need to load that role 10. LS1 and LS2 make offers 11. Operator selects, say, LS1 12. Operators makes service transaction with LS1 9. 5. Load Role “Auction Seller” 8. 6. Make Offer on Price Ontology 5. 6. Operator 3. What is the rule for resolving this? 2. Agents “LS1” and “LS2” Directory Facilitator 1. Who plays the role “LocalizationService”? 4. Starting “Auction Buyer” RAB

31 SmartResource Budget (2006)

32 Project expenses in 2006 : 178 518 117 795 TOTAL: Salaries & Overheads
Project Budget Balance up to the end of September 2006: Name Spent, euro Rest, euro 1 Salaries & Overheads 2 Equipment & Consumables 362 638 3 Travels 5 702 4 299 person-months are used : 42 18 TOTAL:

33 Deadlines and important dates
Agree Tekes UBIWARE application 2007 draft: before 25 October 2006; Commitments for 2007: before 1 November 2006; Application to Tekes for 2007: 3 November 2006; Final Steering Committee meeting in 2006: 2 February 2007.

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