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Phylum Annelida Segmented Worms.

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1 Phylum Annelida Segmented Worms

2 Class Oligochaeta (‘few bristles’)

3 About 170 N.A. species Each segment has small bundles of tiny chaetae Most live in silt and mud in ponds, lakes, etc. As deposit feeders, feces deposited atop the bottom; helps keep surface aerobic Some are very tolerant of low oxygen; Tubifex worms are long and red; can build up very high densities (8,000/m2)

4 Class: Hirudinea (Leaches)

5 Leeches Primarily aquatic (~69 species in N.A.); only a few marine
Many are highly colored (but fade in alcohol) Body: soft, muscular, flattened; 34 segments Two suckers: one anterior (includes the mouth), one posterior

6 Natural History Most live in shallow waters with much plants, debris, or stones; in suitable habitat, can reach density of 700/m2 Move inchworm-style; many can swim All feed on fluids from other organisms either as piercer-predator or as external parasite Most feed on invertebrates Blood suckers have 3-toothed jaws and secrete hirudinin, an anticoagulant; most feed on frogs, turtles, or fish May not feed again for two years Always reproduce sexually; some make cocoons; Many require years to reach maturity Are both predators and prey

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