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WB Yeats The wild swans at Coole September 1913 Easter 1916

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1 WB Yeats The wild swans at Coole September 1913 Easter 1916
An Irish airman foresees his death Sailing to Byzantium The lake isle of Innisfree

2 September 1913 A bitter attack on the Irish merchant / middle classes.
A lament for the Romantic Ireland of old. Prompted by 2 key issues The 1913 lockout Lack of support for a gallery to house the Hugh Lane collection. This demonstrated a mercenary / money-grabbing attitude No appreciation for art or culture. Lack of compassion for their fellow Irishmen. There is a contrast between the materialistic present and the romanticised / heroic past.

3 1 The speaker addresses the merchant classes with an accusation in question form. He accuses them of… Being miserly, money-grabbing self centered materialists. Note the “fumbling in a greasy till” and the adding of “half pence to the pence”. Yeats’ contempt is clear. They’re also hypocrites….. they add “prayer to shivering prayer”. Their religious faith is hypocrisy given the consequences of their actions. “you have dried the marrow from the bone”. They lack any compassion for their fellow Irishmen

4 1 contd…. Yeats states that “men were born to pray (prey?) and save”. His tone is bitter and sarcastic. The refrain sets up a contrast between the disappointing present and the heroic past. The values of the heroic past are dead, like O Leary. Two sets of people representing two opposing sets of values Self centered materialism and debased religion. Self-sacrificial heroism.

5 2 Yeats speaks of the patriots of the heroic past.
There was a time when the mere mention of their names was enough to bring childrens games to a halt. These heroes are universally honoured. Yeats contrasts them sharply with the present, by playing on the words “pray” and save” from stanza 1. “Little time had they to pray…And what, god help us, could they save?” They paid the ultimate price for their values…..”the hangman’s rope”. So whilst Yeats’ contemporaries are preoccupied only with what they can get for themselves, the heroes of the past give everything for the greater good….even their own lives. The refrain, once again insists that these heroic values are a thing of the past.

6 3 The “this” of 17, 19, 20, refers to the Ireland of Yeats’ time.
He compares the situation with The wild geese Robert Emmet Edward Fitzgerald Wolfe Tone He’s asking, in essence, ‘was this what they died for?’ All that heroism All the suffering, self-sacrifice and death Repitition of “this” reinforces the intensity of Yeats’ disgust…the depth of his bitterness. The “delerium of the brave” refers to the passion with which the heroes of old gave themselves to their cause. Once again the refrain emphasises the death of the old values and ideals.

7 4 Yeats imagines how it would be if those past heroes were alive once more. How would his contemporaries react? The merchant classes are too self absorbed to comprehend. Their vision doesn’t extend beyond the “greasy till” in front of them. They would dismiss the old patriots as madmen, bewitched by a beautiful woman (traditional metaphor for Ireland). These patriots gave their very lives instinctively, without thought or consideration “they weighed so lightly what they gave” The final refrain reinforces the overall concept that the heroic ideals of the past are dead. “let them be…” has a tone of finality, a gloomy resignation to the decadent reality of his time.

8 Concluding comments Pay close attention to the imagery.
Yeats uses this primarily to evoke disgust for the present and admiration for the past. Use of repetition The refrain “Was it for this” The building of the emotion The overal tone of bitterness and disgust

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