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Two-Dimensional Motion

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1 Two-Dimensional Motion
Chapter 3 Two-Dimensional Motion

2 Projectile Motion An object may move in both the x and y directions simultaneously It moves in two dimensions The form of two dimensional motion we will deal with is called projectile motion

3 Assumptions of Projectile Motion
We may ignore air friction We may ignore the rotation of the earth With these assumptions, an object in projectile motion will follow a parabolic path

4 Rules of Projectile Motion
The x- and y-directions of motion are completely independent of each other The x-direction is uniform motion ax = 0 The y-direction is free fall ay = -g

5 Some Details About Horizontal Projectiles
x-direction ax = 0 vxo = vx = constant x = vxot This is the only operative equation in the x-direction since there is uniform velocity in that direction

6 More Details About Horizontal Projectiles
y-direction vyo = 0 free fall problem a = -g take the positive direction as upward uniformly accelerated motion, so the motion (kinematic) equations all hold

7 Example 1 A plane traveling at an altitude of m drops supplies to polar explorers 270 m directly ahead of it. If the supplies land at the explorers’ feet, how fast was the plane traveling?

8 Example 2 A polar bear rolls a bowling ball with a speed of 2.0 m/s off a 10.0 m high diving board. How far away should another polar bear be treading water in order to catch the bowling ball?

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