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Form 5 Autumn Term.

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1 Form 5 Autumn Term

2 Brief Agenda Information about this term’s learning
Recap of important information Questions

3 This Term’s Project We are studying a new project (Shakespeare) this half term. In English, we will be focusing on Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, in preparation for our exciting performance at RADA Studio Theatre on November 20th! Rehearsals are underway and we will be spending much of our English time on this, focusing on the Speech and Language side of the curriculum. Other lessons will involve “story mapping” (summarising key events), exploring use of language, and writing character and setting descriptions. Other lessons will include studying the context of the topic (e.g. Tudor history during Shakespeare’s time). Maths, Science, R.E. and English Grammar (inc. spellings and punctuation) will be taught separately from the project.

4 Maths Maths this term will begin with revision of place value and written methods of calculation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). We will also cover work with fractions and decimals (including money calculations): read, write, order and compare numbers up to 1,000,000 and determine the value of each digit Compare and order 5-digit numbers using the signs <, = and > round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy perform mental calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the 4 operations solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why

5 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
We will have weekly lessons on spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG), covering the range of topics included on the Upper Key Stage 2 English curriculum. We will begin with the “basics” (types of nouns, verbs, adjectives, punctuation) before moving to conjunctions (including coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions). Work will also be included on pronouns (he, she, it, they etc.) and relative clauses. Spellings will be introduced weekly and tested each Friday (we will revisit this later).

6 Science Our focus this half-term is on “Living Things and Habitats”. We will be looking at how reproduction occurs in flowering and non-flowering plants, how new plants can be grown from stem and leaf cuttings, and the life cycles of various animal species. R.E. We are learning about the importance of liturgy in worship, focusing on Christianity. Pupils will explore what the word “liturgy” means, along with some different examples of artefacts used in worship.

7 PE P.E. lessons will be taught on Tuesday afternoons– please ensure your child has their P.E kit with them. Children will need to change back into their school uniform after P.E lessons (this will become even more important as the weather draws in this term!)

8 Homework Homework will be sent out on Fridays, to be returned by the following Monday (English and Maths). English homework will be sent out in books (both spellings and either reading comprehension work or a writing task, depending upon the focus for that week). Maths homework (from Abacus) is allocated in line with our lesson plans and sent out to pupils electronically. They have been issued with a user name and password to access these. Spellings will be tested on Fridays. It is highly important that pupils take their homework seriously (particularly the spellings). Please support them if there is anything they need help with, and remind them to return their homework on time.

9 Girls – Winter Uniform Uniform Boys – Winter Uniform P.E. Kits

10 Does anyone have any questions?

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