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Ancient Greece Unknown period of history of Greece from end of Mycenaean civilization to Classical civilization-approximately 1100-700 BCE Steady, unbroken.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Greece Unknown period of history of Greece from end of Mycenaean civilization to Classical civilization-approximately 1100-700 BCE Steady, unbroken."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Greece Unknown period of history of Greece from end of Mycenaean civilization to Classical civilization-approximately BCE Steady, unbroken progression and evolution in art from about 700 BCE to about 400 CE Independent city-states with a different form of government in each-kings, nobles, tyrants, democracy, etc. Interest in humanity “Man is the measure of all things”-Protagoras, 5th century BCE Progression styles attempt to reach the “ideal”

2 Greece, Dipylon Vase, 740 BCE, Geometric
Krater Meander/keys Entire surface given over to decoration-abstract bands, meander Geometric characterized by shapes rather than naturalistic forms Schematic naive representation of the human body-silhouettes, eye in center, little depts, 2d images Scene of a generic funeral, body on bier-prothesis, procession, gestures of greif-human has place of importance Lower register-battle scene, horses, shields are Mycenaean-not used in 8c greece Artist is placing the scene in Homeric society of long ago-time of heros and ancestors Narrative value of funeral of this person, wishing to heroze him-gestures of greif, Human has place of importance

3 Greece, Amphora with Animals, 625 BCE
Horror Vacui

4 Exekias, Amphora with Ajax and Achilles Playing Draughts, 540-530 BCE
Black figure painting

5 Euthymides, Amphora with Three Revelers, 510 BCE
Red Figure painting Hubris Red figure: Black glaze outlines figures, detail painted on rather thanincized Foreshortened forms, 3/4 view, body in twists and turns Hubris-Euthymides painted me as never Euphronios could do

6 Euphronios, Krater with Achilles Wrestling Antaios, ca. 510 BCE

7 Achilles Painter, Lekythos, ca. 440 BCE
White Ground

8 Meidias Painter, Hydria with Garden of Hesperides, 410-400 BCE,

9 Greece, Lady of Auxerre, 7th century BCE, Oriental
Daedalic Very geometrical appearance-columnar and cylindrical Head is a series of triangles perhaps a kore figure-gesture of prayer Doesn’t look like a portrait or narrative-image of woman Decoration throughout-face, hair, dress

10 Menkaure and his Wife, 2460-old kingdom
Would have been in complex with pyramid Foot advances-only image of movement

11 Greece, Peplos Kore, Archaic, 530 BCE
Kore figure peplos

12 Greece, Calf Bearer, 560 BCE, Archaic
Kouros figure Rigid, linear muscle depiction Geometric and symmetric hair not exact proportions of human body

13 Greece, Kroisos, Archaic, 530 BCE


15 Greece, Kritios Boy, Classical, 480 BCE

16 Riace Warrior, BCE Lost-wax bronze casting

17 Polykleitos, Greece, Doryphoros, (Cannon) 450-440 BCE, Classical
Contrapposto Antithesis Chiastic Doryphoros, Polykleitos, classical, bc Stood in Pompeii as model to athletes Polykleitos’ idea of perfection, form of male nude based on harmonic numerical rations final step in perfection of greek statuary of human anatomy Contrapposto, stands naturally Chiastic organization of figure’s parts” left limbs echo opposite-one is weight bearing, other at rest-diagonally charged harmony of opposites gesture and movement-breaks from frontal position Mere mortal becomes almost divinized

18 Myron, Greece, Diskobolos, 450 BCE, Classical
Myron, Diskobolos Illustrates Roman desire for Greek styles To be interpreted in three dimensions, from all sides Vigorous action statue, frozen action at hightest point of tension in body Two intersecting arcs-interest in mathematics-recalls tension of bow and arrow Athelete based on geometry, but lacks expression and view Shows interest in human achievement-divinization of mortals and athletes as superhuman

19 Praxiteles, Hermes and Dionysos, 340 BCE

20 Lysippos, Apoxymenos, 330 BCE

21 Epigonos (?), Dying Gaul, 230-220 BCE

22 Laocoon Group, 1st century CE

23 Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Knidos,

24 Nike of Samothrace, 190 BCE Part of fountain on cliff overlooking sea to welcome naval officers


26 Alexandros of Antioch-on-the-Meander,
Aphrodite of Melos (Venus de Milo), BCE Archaism

27 Greek, Aphrodite and Pan, 100 BCE

28 Old Market Woman, BCE Realism

29 Greece, Barberini Faun, ca. 200 BCE
Relationship between physical and mental state

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