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Assistants PLC - October 2015

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1 Assistants PLC - October 2015
Questioning Assistants PLC - October 2015

2 Goals for this training
-have a greater knowledge of how to ask complex questions that aid in comprehension. -gain confidence in asking students questions in a small group to aid in comprehension. Goals for this training

3 A few reminders about classroom guided reading time...

4 Guided Reading time is….
-Important: and YOU are VITAL to it! It would not work without you =) -Mandatory: Trindale has decided that you all are INSTRUCTIONAL assistants and therefore, guided reading is an important part of you job. -Sacred: Teachers view this time as the ONE time during the school day where they the can see each student ONE-ON-ONE to meet their needs. Most teachers say this is the most powerful time of instruction in their classroom. -Empowering: You are in charge because we trust you and believe in you!

5 Questioning your students: Why does it matter?

6 Bloom’s Taxonomy

7 -0 meaning I have never heard of this before and I have no idea what you are talking about.
-3 meaning I have heard of it but don’t know much about it -5 meaning I know a little bit but I need some refresher on it. -8 meaning I have heard of it and can tell you a little bit about it. -10 I know all about it and should be teaching this. Rate Yourself From 0-10

8 Bloom’s revised taxonomy


10 low Order vs. Higher Order
Lower Order Thinking Questions -Whose porridge did Goldilocks eat? -What happened to the chair? -What is the main idea? -What happened when the bears came home? -How would the story be different if the Bears would have been home? High Order Thinking Questions -What is the problem with Goldilocks behavior? -What choice would you have made if you were Goldilocks? -What would happen if the Bears put a lock on their door? -Predict the outcome if the bears would have came home as Goldilocks was eating their porridge?

11 Your turn! Try it! Write a question from each level about your book.


13 mClass Questions

14 Mclass Questions -are independent of Bloom’s Taxonomy Questions BUT are based on the standards for the grade levels which are considered on target. (example: Level F is on grade level for 1st grade so the questions would be based on first grade standards) Standards were created with Bloom’s Taxonomy in mind. -Cover the same areas at each grade level but ask for increasingly more difficult “stuff” at each grade level. -Are asked verbally and in writing. -Always asked students to include evidence or details to support their answer from the text.

15 Using the Question Ring
-The questions are generic and can be used with many different books or passages. -If given a passage that you don’t know the level of, use the questions for the students classroom level. Using the Question Ring

16 Students must be able to read the question, understand what it is asking, and respond to it to be successful at mClass.

17 Any questions?

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