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Telecommunication Systems –II Laboratories

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Presentation on theme: "Telecommunication Systems –II Laboratories"— Presentation transcript:

1 Telecommunication Systems –II Laboratories

2 TLabs 1,2,3: Types of Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
Sampling Natural Sampling Sample & Hold Quantization Standard step Differential (DM) Differential PCM (DPCM) Delta Modulation

3 TLab 4,5: Transmit and Receive Filter
Raised Cosine Filter: At the transmitter side for pulse shaping Matched Filter: At the receiver side for maximum instantaneous SNR values

4 TLab6: AWGN Channel Additive White Gaussian Noise
Es/Nο = Eb/N0 +10log10(k) in dB

5 TLab7: Pulse Amplitude Modulation

6 TLab8,9: M-PSK,QPSK

7 TLab8: BER calculation of Gray-coded 8-PSK

8 TLab9: QPSK

9 TLab9: M-QAM

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