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Board Meeting April 18, 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Board Meeting April 18, 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Board Meeting April 18, 2018

2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Principal Updates Treasurer
Projects and Procurement Volunteers Communications Fundraising Teacher Liaison New Business

3 Principal Updates Ms. Racasi got a preliminary budget from CPS
Once she digests it and shares with LSC, she will sit down with us to establish a set of priorities based on the budget. Playground: Ms. Racasi has confirmed that their current plan is to focus on the Leavitt side to take down the stone furniture and open up the space so the kids have more room/safer room to play. She has confirmed with the previous facilities manager that the space by the storage unit is not going to be suitable at this time (staffing/monitor issues, will explain.) She wants to look into what paving options are available and get costs or volunteers to install as a future possibility.

4 Statement of Operations February 2018
Statement of Operations 2017 2018 Feb FYTD 17 FYTD 18 Fundraising & Sponsorships (1) 31,638 40,924 102,550 111,347 Credit card fees -25 -516 -1,303 -1,968 Cost of fundraising (1) -8,655 -6,736 -13,359 -14,694 Net fundraising 22,958 33,672 87,888 94,685 Operating expenses -126 -129 -1,162 -1,610 Block party expenses -671 -1,325 Net Operating Income 22,832 33,543 86,055 91,750 Donations to Pulaski School -4,980 -52,793 -88,918 Net Income per financial statements 28,563 33,262 2,832 Cash balance, end of period $148,906 $173,013 Memo: (1) Excludes In Kind fundraising Presentation is cash basis and therefore differences exist with donation summary due to timing of deposits. Fiscal year ends June 30

5 Projects and Procurement
Second phase of tech purchases will be underway shortly

6 Volunteers Book Fair-April 16-19
Need new Kiss and Go and Lunchroom volunteers. Still have a few slots to fill from the losses incurred as the weather has gotten colder and people’s schedules have changed. Contact Bob Fox for these and future volunteer opportunities—

7 Communications Please get updates to Jen Arnquist for next E Blast

8 Fundraising Chipotle Dine Out 4/17 from 4-8 P.M
Chicago Fire—need to select a date.

9 Teacher Liaison TBD

10 New Business Encourage everyone to vote for LSC elections!

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