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ENCM Course Hand-out Outline and Marking Scheme

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1 ENCM515 -- 2004 Course Hand-out Outline and Marking Scheme
* 07/16/96 This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. ENCM Course Hand-out Outline and Marking Scheme M. R. Smith, Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada *

2 To be tackled Books, notes, marking scheme etc.
Tutorial tomorrow – VisualDSP++ familiarization Decide date of midterm – Wednesday 23rd March, 2004 evening Decide about Lab. Deposit -- $450 and loss of graduation Labs this year -- Lab 0 starts Friday (Sec 01) Partners and familiarization exercise 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

3 ENCM515 GOALS Problem solving approach to investigate computer architecture, programming and interfacing with DSP processor bias using real-time audio channel modeling experiments. Structured approach to programming, debugging and testing using a personal software process Avoiding the errors on the basic repetitive stuff over which you have no control to get to the stuff you really want to do Both assembly language and C programming language Study using CISC, RISC and DSP processors. Concentrate on the Analog Devices SHARC 21061DSP processors in the class Outside speakers and visits 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

4 Course material in 5 parts
Review of CISC processor (5% -- 10%) Introduction to RISC processors (10% -- 15%) Architectural requirements for DSP algorithms (10% -- 15%) Developing and applying a personal software process (5% %) Called a “personal” process because you make the decision about whether to bother to use review techniques to save time and frustrations Remember the “spend 5 to save 60” rule in labs! Matching the DSP processor architectural characteristics to your DSP algorithms -- hands-on approach (55% -- 70%) 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

5 Equipment and software used
The Analog Devices ADSP21061 SHARC will be used for all laboratory experiments and take home quizzes. Available for loan term loan with security deposit or short term loan with ID card as deposit. Both evaluation boards, simulators and in-circuit emulators are available (in limited numbers) by a kind donation from Analog Devices. Students are encouraged to install the ADSP Test Drive Demo which will enable them to use the VisualDSP development and simulator environment at home. Also available via CITRIX. 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

6 Course grades In term examination 15%
Wednesday Evening – 23rd March would allow time than during tutorial on 22nd ! Individual Assignments 4 % 3 assignments associated with lab. material 6 % Laboratory Related Work 3 PreLaboratory Quizzes (unannounced) done in class prior to first group doing lab 6% 4 Marked labs % 3 Post laboratory Quizzes (1 Take Home) 11% Final Exam % 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

7 Tutorials and Labs Tutorials -- these do not occur only on “Tuesdays”
I am arranging lectures and tutorials as needed. VisualDSP tutorial is on Tuesday afternoon Number of marked labs -- 4 Lab 0 -- Familarization -- Select partners, check equipment. Section 01 this Friday 2 till 3. Section 02 (if available 3:30 till 4:30 Lab. deposit of $100 cash plus a post-dated check for $300 and sign out equipment for the year and get course marks of F or Incomplete if not handed in (Delays graduation!) may be possible since small class. 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

8 Minimum grades on Quizzes/Exams
A passing grade is required on both the in term exam and on the combined term work component to earn better than a minimal passing grade (D) Students must obtain at least a D (45%) on the final exam otherwise they will receive an F on the course regardless of the marks from the other components on the course. Students must obtain at least a D+ (50%) on the weighted exams (midterm + final) in order to get higher than an overall D+ for the course regardless of the marks from the other components on the course. Students must obtain at least a C- (60%) on the weighted exams (midterm + final) in order to get higher than an overall C for the course regardless of the marks from the other components on the course. I would expect to see a mark of B- (70%) or better on the weighted exams (midterm + final) in order to get A or A- for the course regardless of the marks from the other components on the course. The laboratory quizzes will be a short written quiz to evaluate each individual student's understanding of what is required during the laboratory. Will be done in class before the first section does the laboratory. Students not in attendance at the start of the lab quiz get an automatic zero. 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

9 Prelaboratory Material Hand-in
The PreLaboratory material must be handed in at the start of the laboratory (2:00 p.m). Since there are no lab. exams then there is a chance to immediately mark it and return. Late work not accepted (50% penalty per 5 minutes) on the PreLaboratory material hand-in, so please get the material printed off ahead of time. All PreLaboratory and laboratory material must include a hand-written. signed cover note indicating that the work has been done by that student group and has not been plagiarized by the students and that they have not allowed other students to plagiarize the material by any means, verbally, written or electronically Students not in attendance at the start of the lab get an automatic zero for the PreLaboratory material. 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

10 Laboratory Report Hand-in
Since laboratory partners will hand in similar programs for the laboratories, it is satisfactory that one laboratory report be handed in with both students names on it. If your partner(s) is/are not contributing to the laboratory, do not add their name to the report. Groups of 2 unless unavoidable. You must attend, and remain in, the laboratory working on the 515 laboratory material to receive marks for that laboratory. Attendance will be taken. The tutorial periods may be used as lectures on new material (but I have tried hard to avoid this.) Quizzes will probably be held during the tutorial but may be moved around the week, possibly at short notice, to accommodate job interviews etc A small class size makes movement of quizzes possible. Please notify me as early as possible so we can get class agreement. May also shift marks to midterm and final exams. 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

11 Quizzes and Examinations
Calculators are not allowed in examinations or quizzes. The final examination and quizzes are "closed book" excepting one unmarked ENCM SHARC reference and Motorola 68K reference cards. Use of unauthorized material will be punished in accordance with University Regulations. Please give both of us a break! If you know you will miss a quiz, contact the instructor ASAP and beforehand -- it is possible to reschedule an in-class quiz with this small class. 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

12 Books and Course Notes The course material will mainly be covered using PowerPoint presentations. There is time for students to add notes to the prepared hand-outs, but not enough time to copy down the slides. It is EXPECTED that students come in having read the course notes so they know what they don’t know. It is REQUIRED that students obtain their own copies of the course lecture, reference and laboratory notes. The powerpoint presentations for the lectures are available on the web this year. Please print them off before coming to the class. I plan to handout the notes for the laboratories. They will be available from the ECE office at cost. 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

13 Books and Notes 2 ADSP-2106X SHARC EZ-KIT Lite Reference Manual and the VisualDSP guide are provided in the laboratory boxes -- see the CD for copies of your own (From the ECE Office). ADSP-2106X SHARC User's Manual. Dr. Smith has made the arrangements for this to be provided free to all students (while supplies last) Analog Devices. Web information ENCM515 ECE-ADI-Project 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

14 Course Books and Notes 3 Dr. Smith has also arranged for free copies of CCI magazine (while quantities). Relevant material from this magazine are incorporated into the course and the quizzes/exams. VisualDSP++ simulator available via CITRIX for at home use. Documentation available on CD and web -- The documentation on the diskette includes "C-Tools Manual", “C Runtime Library Manual" and "Assembler Tools and Simulator Manual" amongst others. These manuals also can be purchased from Analog Devices. 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

15 Books and Notes 4 You can get a copy of the SHARC navigator diskette off of the web. Useful, but limited, teaching tool supplied by Analog Devices ADSP21061 (float) processor. There is also a link to a more up-to-date version called SHARCNavigator Live! enel515_02/02general/background_info/ReferenceMaterial.htm Will be moved to equivalent 2004 web pages as the course progresses 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

16 Labs -- Audio Channel Modeling
DELAY1 No delay between left/right ear sound arrivals -- then sound perceived in centre of head Delay in right ear sound arrival will shift sound to left as “sound” seems to get to left ear first. Add FIR filters (colour), IIR/FFT (room effects) Circular buffers, FIR, IIR and FFT implemented on super-scalar RISC DSP O DELAY DELAY2 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

17 Laboratory Expectations -- 1
Each laboratory experiment will require the following: Familiarity with the concepts to be handled, Design of a computer program and a hardware interface. Development of a personal software process -- mainly code and design review -- to avoid wasting time on the standard stuff that is the same every lab and quiz. Remember “Spend 5 to save 60” You can expect to spend several hours in preparing files prior to the laboratory. This may involve cutting, pasting and completing files provided as web pages. Spending the time before the laboratory will mean that you complete within the laboratory period and will be prepared for the in-laboratory quizzes and handing in screen dumps of certain PreLaboratory development work. 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

18 Laboratory Expectations 2
Each laboratory experiment will require the following: Implementation of a computer program. Software engineering process control to avoid repeating the errors from previous laboratories Testing of the computer program and hardware. Demonstration of the completed, working experiment. Documentation of the computer program and hardware. Preparation of a laboratory report (including documentation). Declaration of Authenticity -- PreLaboratory and Laboratory material must be supported by a cover note indicating that the work is your own, it has not been plagiarized and that you have not allowed others to plagiarize. See ENCM515 web page on student ethics 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

19 Lab. Report information
Laboratory reports are due exactly one week after the laboratory period. One per laboratory group is okay They are to be handed in to the instructor at the start of class on the Friday morning Late reports will be penalized at the rate of 20% per day late. Marking times for the demos will be announce ahead of time. All demonstrations of work for Lab. 1 and Lab. 2 must be completed before the start of reading week. 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

20 Own work and FOIP The university regulations with regard to Plagiarism/Cheating/Other Academic Misconduct are given in the University Calendar. Plagiarism is the presentation of the work of others as if it were the student's own work. I will follow through with any problems despite the time and hassle it causes me as I think plagiarism degrades everybody’s reputation and quality of B. Sc. degree. Put marking sheets at the back of your work with name, ID number, lab section and lab. station. Put Name and Section Number and Lab. Station on the front page so can hand-back work during Labs easily and FOIPed 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

21 Scheduling on laboratory and tutorials
Tutorials will begin immediately. VisualDSP++ familiarization The date of the first laboratory (Laboratory 0 – Familiarization with VisualDSP) is the FIRST Friday after the start of classes. Section 1 2 till 3 pm Section 2 3:30 till 4:30 You will form into your laboratory groups (maximum 2 students per group) and get familiar with the Visual tool-set Lab. 0 is in course notes and on the web -- Your responsibility. 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

22 New Labs. For 2002 ADSP SHARC boards and improved Head Phone Soundstage. Laboratory 0 – VisualDSP++ familiarization – no formal hand-in Laboratory 1 -- testing the boards and software, finding partners. Familiarization Laboratory. No formal hand-in but there will be a take-home quiz. Laboratory 2 -- Developing code in "C" to develop, test and profile a series of FIFO delay techniques. Stereo and FM stereo action. Problem solve -- Compiler and algorithm issues 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

23 New Labs. For 2002 Laboratory 3 -- Developing code in assembly to develop, test and profile a series of Delay loops taking into account special SHARC processor architectural features. Problem solve -- hardware buffers You are required to have your own set of ear-phones. Get a set that cuts out outside sounds as the lab gets noisy :-) Laboratory 4 -- Develop a FIR filter for improved head-phone sound stage using highly parallelized instructions running on superscaler RISC DSP processors. Problem solve -- parallel operations Laboratory Format still under development, Current plans – DMA, student directed project,Video processing on different processor (Blackfin ADSP-BF533) 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

24 Remember Download the class notes
Decide date of midterm -- March evening Decide about Lab. Deposit -- $100 cash, $250 post-dated cheque, and loss of graduation 1/2/2019 ENCM Course outline and marking scheme Copyright

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