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Creating a Title Page C 2012jkc.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Title Page C 2012jkc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Title Page C jkc

2 1 After opening a Word document, set zoom factor to about 55%, font size to about 48pts click the center align button and type the title (press enter to position the title lower on the page). 2 Highlight the title click on the font color button on the toolbar to pick an appropriate color for the title. C jkc

3 1 Click on Format on the menu bar and select Borders and Shading to get the dialog box shown on the right, to create a page border. 2 Select the Page Border tab on the Borders and Shading dialog box and click Box under the Setting options, select a line style under Style options, and an appropriate color as shown. C jkc

4 Click the text box button on the drawing toolbar, then click and drag on the title page to create a text box like the one shown on the next slide text box C jkc

5 Set the font size for 36pt, click the center align button on the toolbar and pick an appropriate color for the text in the text box, then type the information shown. C jkc

6 1 Place the mouse pointer on the border of the text box till you get the 4 arrow heads shown. Click on the text box border then click Format on the menu bar, select Text Box on the dropdown menu to get the Format Text Box dialog box. 2 Select the Colors and Lines tab on the Format Text Box dialog box and pick an appropriate Fill color. Select No Line for the line color. The text box should look like the one on the next slide. C jkc

7 The only item remaining on this title page is the volcano clip art
The only item remaining on this title page is the volcano clip art. See next slide for tips C jkc

8 Click Start, All Programs, then select Mozilla Firefox or other available Internet browser to access the Internet. C jkc

9 On your browser google search window, type “volcano clip art” and click on the magnifying glass to begin the search. C jkc

10 Select Images on the navigation bar, then pick an appropriate image for your title page, right click on it and select copy image on the drop-down menu. C jkc

11 Right-click on an empty space on the title page and select Paste on the drop-down menu to place the image copied during the Internet search. C jkc

12 1 After pasting the copied image it may displace the title and refuse to be moved around the page. Right-click on the image and select Format Picture on the drop-down menu to get the Format Picture dialog box. 2 Click “In front of text” Wrapping style under the Layout tab, then click OK. The image should be movable so drag it to the center of the title page and by clicking and dragging the corner “handles.” See next slide. C jkc

13 When the mouse pointer is placed over the image,
click on it when the four arrowheads appear and drag the image to position it on the page. Click and drag the corner handles diagonally to change the image’s size. C jkc

14 1 To fill the text box with a gradient of colors as well as a border, right-click on the text box border to get the drop-down menu shown and select Format Text Box to get the Format Text Box dialog box. 2 Select Fill Effects under the Colors and Lines tab of the Format Text Box dialog box to get the Fill Effects dialog box shown on the next slide. C jkc

15 Select Two colors under the Gradient tab of the Fill Effects dialog box (select the colors you want for Color1 and Color2)and pick one of the Shading styles and Variants, then click OK on the Fill Effects dialog box as well as the Format Text Box dialog box. C jkc

16 The final product should look something like this!
The 2nd title page project requires a text box like the one below but with the text in italics formatted in color. The text box itself will have no fill color and no borders. See next slide for tips on how to do this. The final product should look something like this! C jkc

17 The final product should look something like this!
1 Position the mouse pointer along the edge of the text box and when the 4 arrowheads appear, right-click to get the drop-down menu and select Format Text box to get the Format Text box dialog box The final product should look something like this! 2 Select No Fill on Fill Color as well as No Line on the Line Color options under the Colors and Lines tab of the Format Text Box dialog box, then click OK. (you can format the color of the text inside the text box and italicize it by highlighting the text and using the formatting buttons on the formatting toolbar) C jkc

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