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10th Grade English Monday, 31 Mar. 2014

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1 10th Grade English Monday, 31 Mar. 2014
Agenda: Mini-lesson on Creating a Works Consulted Find 2 More Potential Print Sources Create Citations for 2 Print Sources Create Works Consulted Raise Hand and Get Checked Off For Friday’s 5 Notecards (if necessary) Craft 1 Annotation for 1 Print Source Homework: Finish Works Consulted or Annotation if didn’t finish in class today. *Reminder: meet in the 200 Lab for the remainder of the week.

2 Learning Targets I can locate 2 more print sources and create citations for each on EasyBib. I can create a Works Consulted. I can craft one annotation for one print source of my choosing.

3 Behavior Expectations
I Expect to See . . . Silently locating 2 potential print sources Logging into computer/EasyBib Silently creating citations Raising your hand if you have a question Silently reading your book Typing your annotation Raising hand to show Annotated Works Consulted for a grade. I Will Not See . . . Talking to your peer Whispering to your peer Staring into space Jamming out to music without reading/typing Signing to Friends

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