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Optical Gigabit Ethernet

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Presentation on theme: "Optical Gigabit Ethernet"— Presentation transcript:

1 Optical Gigabit Ethernet
Group 4 January 27, 2005 Chris Abbott

2 Division of Labor Task Lead Backup Ronen Chris David TBD
Writing and Editing Ronen Chris Purchasing/Ordering David Layout & Design Coordination/Budget Soldering TBD Test & Measurements

3 Approach Start ordering parts early Learn from past group’s mistakes
Avoid bottlenecks

4 Current Status Understand 803.2 standard Read other group’s reports
Started optical link budget Researched components

5 802.3 Transmit Specs

6 802.3 Receive Specs

7 VCSEL Products

8 Gantt Chart

9 Tasks for This Week Finish researching components Contact companies
Test evaluation board Finish optical link budget

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