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Your Credit History You and your credit Have you ever had: – Credit card? – Loan? – Utilities in your name? – Cell phone with a monthly.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Credit History You and your credit Have you ever had: – Credit card? – Loan? – Utilities in your name? – Cell phone with a monthly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Credit History

2 You and your credit Have you ever had: – Credit card? – Loan? – Utilities in your name? – Cell phone with a monthly bill? This helps make up your credit history.

3 What is a credit history? How you use money: – Do you pay your bills when they are due? – How many credit cards do you have? – How many loans do you have? Your credit history helps make up your credit report.

4 What is a credit report? Summary of your credit history: – Name, address, Social Security number – Your credit cards and loans – How much money you owe – If you pay your bills on time or late

5 Who creates your credit report? Credit reporting companies put your information in a credit report: – TransUnion – Equifax – Experian

6 Why care about my credit? You might find mistakes or problems. – Your information from years ago – Somebody elses information By mistake On purpose You can try to fix mistakes or problems.

7 Why care about your credit? Businesses check your credit when you: – apply for a job – get car or home insurance – apply for a credit card or loan – get a cell phone

8 How do you get your credit report? Only one place to get your free report: – Annual Credit Report Call 1-877-322-8228 Go to You get one free report every year from each credit reporting company

9 You got your report. Now what? Read it carefully. – Is it your name and address? – Do you recognize the accounts? – Is the bill-paying information right? – Does it list credit applications? Did you apply for credit at those places?

10 Good credit and bad credit Good: – You pay bills when theyre due – You dont owe too much money on your credit cards Bad: – You pay bills late – You owe a lot of money on your credit cards

11 Improving your credit You can improve your credit: – Pay your bills by the date they are due. – Lower the amount you owe – especially on credit cards. – Do not get any new credit cards. – Do not close older credit cards. It takes time!

12 What is a credit score? A number related to your credit history. – If your credit is good, your score will be high. – If your credit is bad, your score will be low. Scores go from 300 (low) – 850 (high) Used when you buy a home or car – To decide whether to give you credit – To decide how much youll pay for your credit

13 Should you know your credit score? Your credit history is most important. But your credit score might be used when you buy a car or home. Seeing your credit score costs money. Is it worth paying for?

14 One more time… Only one place to get your free report: – Annual Credit Report Call 1-877-322-8228 Go to You get one free report every year from each credit reporting company

15 Your Credit History

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