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Adjective is a word expressing a quality of a thing:
major (large), longus (long), frontālis (frontal). Adjectives take inflections to show deference in number, gender, and case. In all Latin terms the position of adjectives is after the noun with which it has grammatical agreement.
The grammatical categories of adjectives
There are two great groups of adjectives in Latin according to their endings: the adjectives of the 1st and the 2nd declension the adjectives of the 3rd declension. Each group of the adjectives is declined according to the corresponding declension of nouns. Adjectives have the same endings as nouns.
THE 1ST GROUP OF ADJECTIVES: The adjectives of the 1st and the 2nd declensions
The adjectives of the 1st group have different forms for every gender: masculinum – -us, -er femininum – -a neutrum – -um
THE 1ST GROUP OF ADJECTIVES: The adjectives of the 1st and the 2nd declensions
These adjectives are declined on the pattern of the 1st and the 2nd declensions. masculinum – -us, -er (2nd declension; Gen. sing. -i) femininum – -a (1st declension; Gen. sing. -ae) neutrum – -um (2nd declension; Gen. sing. -i) Masculine Feminine Neuter Nominative longus longa longum Genitive longi longae longi
massetericus, a, um (masseteric)
THE 1ST GROUP OF ADJECTIVES: The adjectives of the 1st and the 2nd declensions Their dictionary form consists of three components: 1. adjective in the masculine form (-us, -er); 2. the feminine ending (-a); 3. the neuter ending (-um). massetericus, a, um (masseteric)
transversus, a, um (transverse); profundus, a, um (profound),
rectus, a, um (straight), bifidus, a, um (bifid), caninus, a, um (canine), lacteus, a, um (lacteal, milky), cavus, a, um (cave), clavatus, a, um (clavate), deciduus, a, um (deciduous), durus, a, um (hard), enameleus, a, um (enamel), hyoideus, a, um (hyoid), incisivus, a, um (incisive), internus, a, um (internal), hypoglossus, a, um (sublingual), cavernosus, a, um (cavernous),
The stem of the 1st group adjectives is obtained from the Nominative form by removing the gender ending: longus stem: long- transversum stem transvers- externa stem: extern-
The adjectives ending in -er
dexter right sinister left ruber red niger black sacer sacral asper sharp liber free
Dexter (right) Masculine dexter Feminine dextra Neuter dextrum
Dictionary Form: dexter, tra, trum
Sinister (left) Masculine sinister Feminine sinistra Neuter sinistrum
Dictionary Form: sinister, tra, trum
Ruber (red) Masculine ruber Feminine rubra Neuter rubrum
Dictionary Form: ruber, bra, brum
Liber (free) Masculine liber Feminine libĕra Neuter libĕrum
Dictionary Form: liber, ĕra, ĕrum
Dictionary Form Feminine Stem
dexter, tra, trum dextra dextr- sinister,tra, trum sinistra sinistr- ruber, bra, brum rubra rubr- niger, gra, grum nigra nigr- sacer, cra, crum sacra sacr- liber, ĕra, ĕrum libĕra liber- asper, era, erum aspera asper-
All the adjectives of the 3rd declension are divided into three groups: 1) Adjectives with three endings. 2) The adjectives with two endings. 3) The adjectives with one ending (one form for all genders).
Adjectives with three endings
masculinum -er (Gen. sing. -is) femininum -is (Gen. sing. -is) neutrum -e (Gen. sing. -is) The stem of these adjectives is obtained from the Nominative form by removing the feminine ending: puter, putris, putre (rotten) stem putr- saluber, salubris, salubre (healthy) stem salubr- These adjectives are rarely used.
The adjectives with two endings
masculinum, femininum -is (Gen. sing. -is) neutrum -e (Gen. sing. -is) Their dictionary form consists of two components: 1. the common masculine and feminine Nominative form (ending in -is); 2. the neuter ending -e. frontālis, e (frontal) cervicālis, e (cervical) dentalis, e (dental) occipitalis, e (occipital) brevis, e (short) labialis, e (labial) buccalis, e (buccal) cervicalis , e (cervical) cranialis, e (cranial) facialis, e (facial) frontalis, e (frontal) gingivalis, e (gingival)
The adjectives with two endings
The stem of the 2nd group adjectives is obtained from the Nominative form by removing the gender ending: vertebrālis stem: vertebrāl- temporālis stem: temporal- These adjectives are commonly used.
The adjectives with one ending
The Nominative of such adjectives ends with -s, -r, -x. Dictionary form: Nominative form (common for all genders). Genitive ending with the stem part (Gen. sing. -is). simplex, ĭcis simple multĭplex, ĭcis multiple teres, ětis round par, paris equal duplex, icis double
The adjectives with one ending
The stem of such adjectives is obtained from the Genitive form singular by removing the ending. Dictionary form Gen. Singular Stem simplex, ĭcis simplĭcis simplĭc- multĭplex, ĭcis multiplĭcis multiplĭc teres, ětis terětis terět-
According to the 3rd declension of adjectives decline:
Participium praesentis activi (present participle active). Adjectives in the comparative degree.
Participium praesentis activi (present participle active)
This form is similar to the one-ending adjectives: recens, entis (fresh) afferens, entis (afferent) permanens, entis (permanent) incipiens, entis (incipient) Participle follows the noun and agrees with it: vas afferens (afferent vessel) dens permanens (permanent tooth)
Adjectives in the comparative degree
anterior, anterius (anterior) posterior, posterius (posterior) superior, superius (superior) inferior, inferius (inferior) ductus inferior (inferior duct) linea inferior (inferior line) labium inferius (inferior lip)
Adjectives major, majus (big), minor, minus (small) in anatomical terminology are translated in positive or comparative degree: Ductus sublingualis minor (minor (lesser) sublingual duct) Ductus sublingualis major (major sublingual duct) Foramen palatinum majus (greater palatine foramen)
Adjectives take inflections to show difference in number, gender, and case, and they always agree with the nouns they go with To agree a noun and an adjective means to use them in the same Gender, Number and Case. arteria transversa (transversal artery) succus gastricus (gasrtic juice) tinctura aetherea (tincture etheric) extractum siccum (dry extract)
To agree a noun and an adjective
you should: 1. determine gender, number and case of the noun; 2. determine group of the adjective by its dictionary form; 3. agree the adjective and the noun by gender, number and case.
fuscus, a, um (dark) linea, ae, f (line) linea is feminine gender, so adjective should be also in feminine form, with inflection -a in the first group linea fusca (in Gen. sing. lineae fuscae so on). Nota bene!!! There is noun on the first place and adjective on the second in Latin scientific terminology.
Translate from English into Latin the following anatomical terms:
mastoid process Process – processus: masculine, singular, Nominative. Mastoid – mastoiděus, a, um: adjective of the 1st group. processus mastoideus vertebral foramen Foramen – forāmen: neuter, singular, Nominative. Vertebral – vertebrālis, e: adjective of the 2nd group. forāmen vertebrāle
palatinus, a, um sulcus, i m sulcus palatinus (palatine sulcus) sutura, ae f sutura palatina (palatine suture) os, ossis n os palatinum (palatine bone) sublingualis, e nervus, i m nervus sublingualis (sublingual nerve) plica, ae f plica sublingualis (sublingual fold) os, ossis n os sublinguale (lingual bone)
The scheme of an agreed modifier
SNAN S – Substantivum A – Adjectivum N – Nominativus
EXERCISES Determine the group of adjectives: asper, era, erum rough
brevis, e short circularis, e circular communicans, ntis communicans deciduus, a, um deciduous duplex, icis double durus, a, um hard
EXERCISES Determine the group of adjectives: fibrosus, a, um fibrous
hyoideus, a, um hyoid gluteus, a, um gluteus hemiazygos halfpaired medialis, e middle mollis, e soft petrosus, a, um petrosal
EXERCISES Determine the group of adjectives: ruber, bra, brum red
sinister, tra, trum left styloideus, a, um styloid tenuis, e thin biceps, bicipitis biceps azygos unpaired
Find the stem of adjectives:
acusticus, a, um alaris, e albus, a, um bilifer, fera, ferum sapiens, ntis corticalis, e impar, imparis luteus, a, um niger, gra, grum pius, a, um senex, senis viridis, e puter, tris, tre sternalis, e
Agree adjectives with nouns:
apertura, ae f (thoracicus, a, um; minor, us) nervus, i m (hypoglossus, a, um; facialis, e) septum, i n (nasalis, e; osseus, a, um) membrum, i n (liber, libera, liberum; inferior, ius) os, ossis n (hyoideus, a, um; occipitalis, e) pelvis, is f (renalis, e)
Make up Genitive forms of the following adjectives:
1. cervicālis, e 7. thoracĭcus, a, um 2. internus, a, um 8. medius, a, um 3. sinister, tra, trum 9. lumbālis, e 4. simplex, ĭcis laterālis, e 5. osseus, a, um temporālis, e 6. lymphatĭcus, a, um 12. vertebrālis, e
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