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Objectives: - To understand the initial impact and significance of the Easter Rising. To understand the consequences of the Easter Rising. Outcomes: -

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives: - To understand the initial impact and significance of the Easter Rising. To understand the consequences of the Easter Rising. Outcomes: -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives: - To understand the initial impact and significance of the Easter Rising. To understand the consequences of the Easter Rising. Outcomes: - C grade – will be able to support an enquiry relevant background knowledge. B grade – will be able to analyse the views of an historian with background knowledge and/or other historians. A grade – will be able to substantiated conclusion about the initial importance of the Easter Rising by evaluating the credibility of a historian’s view. Differentiated learning : - Differentiation through reading. Literacy: - VCOP used in plenary feedback. Development of reading skills and research skills. SMSC: - Cultural – impact of the Easter rising on the relationship between Britain and Ireland. Social – students support each other in developing a collaborative answer.

2 What have you already gathered?

3 How significant was the Easter Rising in Irish history?
Vocab turning point Connectives Ultimately Opening sentence Although it could be argued that… Very important Limited importance

4 Why was the Eater Rising a pivotal event in Irish history?
Subject Objective(s) To understand the initial impact and significance of the Easter Rising. To understand the consequences of the Easter Rising.

5 Learning Outcomes: C grade – will be able to support an enquiry relevant background knowledge. B grade – will be able to analyse the views of an historian with background knowledge and/or other historians. A grade – will be able to substantiated conclusion about the initial importance of the Easter Rising by evaluating the credibility of a historian’s view.

6 Easter Rising What is his overall argument?
Does this mean that Pearse succeeded in his blood sacrifice? Had the rebels, in Pearse’s words, “saved Ireland’s honour”? And did the Irish nation spring from the graves of these patriots, as Pearse had prophesised? In an important sense, the answer to these questions is “yes.” The Rising did inspire a war of independence that culminated in Irish independence in But the answer is also “no.” The Rising alone did not produce this result. The actions of the United Kingdom government were also responsible. Wiser policies might have denied Pearse and his colleagues their victory. The Rising was, after all, widely denounced in Ireland, but the layer of Irish opposition, if broad, was rather thin, and the government had no easy task in trying to control the emotional aftermath of the Rising. In these difficult circumstances it did very poorly. Ward, Alan J., The Easter Rising: Revolution and Irish Nationalism, Harlan Davidson, USA, 2003, p. 116. What is his overall argument? What are the key supporting points?

7 How significant was the Easter Rising in Irish history?
Vocab turning point Connectives Ultimately Opening sentence Although it could be argued that… Very important Limited importance

8 Task You now need to analyse Ward’s view. To do this you will need to work together to annotate his argument. Agreements and support should be written in one colour; disagreements in another. C Grade – read through the information sheet on the executions. B Grade – read through the information sheet on the initial reaction and the Fletcher analysis. A Grade – independent research from the texts.

9 Use the contents/index to find the rough area of the book you need.
Skim Read to find the specific part of that area – e.g. read first and last sentences. Skim for words such as opinion, execution, reaction, public, support. Close read – once you have found the specific paragraphs. Remember to focus on both facts and opinions. Use a dictionary – on words you do not know.

10 Plenary Creation of martyrs.
Growth of anti-British feeling/support for independence. Development of the IRA. B Grade – justify the importance of one of these. A Grade – justify which of these was the most important impact of the Easter Rising.

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