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The SATP and MCT2 Understand & Incorporate!

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1 The SATP and MCT2 Understand & Incorporate!
Optional Evening Session

2 What and Why this Matters
Past Future Middle School (3rd – 8th grade) All Ss took MCT2 (multiple-choice-only assessment) Percentage of Ss’ scores of minimal, basic, proficient, advanced scores determined a school’s QDI & rating (A-F). Principals were hired and fired by these scores, and school districts were taken over by the state by these scores. All Ss will take the MCT2. Ss will learn their scores at the end of next summer when the scores are released. Schools’ ratings WILL NOT GO DOWN based upon these scores this school year. All Ss will take the Common Core (PARCC) assessment at the end of the school year. High School (tested in 10th grade) 10th Grade MS students take the ENG II SATP (multiple-choice-only assessment). Passing score = 50% Ss had to pass the test to graduate. 10th graders are last Ss to have to pass the SATP to graduate. Ss will have to earn a minimal score in order to graduate. Define the tests that the different Ss take. At the middle school level, a student’s score determines whether she will be eligible for advanced classes in HS or if she will be placed in remedial reading classes from the beginning of HS. At the high school level, a student’s score determines whether he will graduate or not. If he doesn’t pass the test the first time, he will be required to take remedial English classes until he passes or runs out of time at the end of his senior year. At the middle school & high school levels, a school’s composite score determines the school’s state-wide ranking, the school’s funding, many school hiring decisions, and in some cases-whether the school will remain open the following year. 2

3 While you’re taking the test, please consider…
What background knowledge & ELA-skills did you need? What emotions were you feeling throughout different portions of the test? What habits did you employ to help you succeed? 1:48 We believe that by taking the test with a student perspective (considering all the consequences of the test) & teacher perspective, you’ll ultimately be able to better envision how to integrate this test into your vision. So, when I ask these questions, here are some of the things we’ll think… What K & S? My kids will have to use context clues to figure out some of these word-meanings. I had to have background knowledge about this topic in order to relate to it. What emotions? I felt pressure to finish quickly so people think I’m smart  What habits? Utilizing headings & subheadings to help me figure out the main idea + process of elimination. 3

4 DISCUSS How DOES/ DOESN’T this test align with what you want for your students as readers? How DOES/ DOESN’T this test align with what you want for your students as writers? Given that the results of this test are highly valued by students & your students’ school community, how can you refine or add to your vision? What questions will you need to find the answers to? Discuss from 2:25- 2:35. Capture notes on chart paper. 4

5 Presents! Katie McGriff’s plans of the past. Let’s analyze them!
How do these plans maintain the of our ELA visions while also responsibly aligning to the SATP?

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