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S OUTH C AROLINA EOCEP S PRING 2014 P RETEST W ORKSHOP FOR O NLINE AND P APER /P ENCIL T ESTING This presentation is available on eDIRECT: under Documents/Presentations,

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1 S OUTH C AROLINA EOCEP S PRING 2014 P RETEST W ORKSHOP FOR O NLINE AND P APER /P ENCIL T ESTING This presentation is available on eDIRECT: under Documents/Presentations, EOCEP Spring 2014.

2 C ONTACTING DRC 2 Direct Line: 1-800-451-7834 For any technical online testing questions, STCs, TAs, or Technical Coordinators may contact DRC, with the DTCs approval. Fax: 1-866-237-9314 E-mail: eDIRECT:

3 EOCEP S PRING 2014 K EY D ATES 3 January 27 – February 12 Online Enrollment January 29INSIGHT software available via eDIRECT April 9Online Tools Training (OTT) and Tutorial available via eDIRECT April 21Test Setup available in eDIRECT April 17 and April 21Secure materials arrive in districts May 1Spring Testing Window begins June 6Spring Testing Window ends June 11Last day to return materials July 15ISRs, data files, and reports posted to eDIRECT July 30ISRs and student labels arrive in districts No Alternative Testing Window for Spring 2014

4 N EW FOR S PRING 2014 Online Testing Status reports Weekly district report, district report of testing status by school, and daily student status report Video Sign Language (VSL) for ASL and PSE If you plan to test using VSL, please contact the SCProject Team so that we can help ensure your testing experience goes as smoothly as possible. Regular, Oral Administration (HVA), and Video Sign Language (VSL) software available via one installer 4

5 N EW FOR S PRING 2014 Algebra 1, English 1, and USHC Field Testing Field test items aligned to the Common Core State Standards will be appended to the Algebra 1 and English 1 online forms. Some of the Algebra and English field test items will be technologically- enhanced (TE) items that require students to respond in different ways from traditional multiple-choice (selected-response) items. To ensure that students have had an opportunity to become familiar with TE items, please emphasize to your schools the importance of the Online Tools Training (OTT). The OTT available on April 9 will include examples that are similar to the TE items in the field test. Both online and paper/pencil forms of the USHC test will include field test items aligned to the 2011 South Carolina Social Studies Academic Standards. USHC field test contains no technologically-enhanced (TE) items. 5

6 N EW FOR S PRING 2014 Algebra 1, English 1, and USHC Field Testing, continued Correction to the Spring 2014 EOCEP TAM Online Administration Directions Please note that the first two sentences of the SAY box on page 79 should state: Today you will be taking the (say test subject) End-of-Course Examination Program test. Most of the items on this test are multiple-choice questions, but there may be a few technologically-enhanced items that involve different ways of responding. If you have questions about the Spring 2014 field test, contact Kirsten Hural at the SCDE: Email: Phone: 803-734-5981 6

7 N EW FOR S PRING 2014 Windows XP Microsoft will no longer support updates to Windows XP beginning April 8. DRC recommends Windows 7 7

8 N EW FOR S PRING 2014 Paper/Pencil Testing Two materials delivery dates, depending on spring break April 17 and April 21 Additional orders for paper/pencil materials no longer chargeable UPS labels will have a tear-off tab that lists the tracking number 8

9 W E HAVE NOT INSTALLED SOFTWARE SINCE S PRING 2013 TESTING. W HAT DO WE NEED TO DO FOR S PRING 2014 TESTING ? 9 Districts that did not test EOCEP Fall/Winter 2013-14 or ELDA Spring 2014 must install new software. The old client testing engine software must be uninstalled, and the new (web-based) software, version 5.1.X, must be installed (on or after January 29). The Testing Site Manager (TSM) is new for spring 2014. The LCS must be uninstalled, and the TSM must be installed, version 6.0.X. The ELDA/EOCEP Spring 2014 Tech Training PowerPoint and DRC-INSIGHT Technology Users Guide are available on eDIRECT.

10 W E INSTALLED NEW SOFTWARE FOR EOCEP F ALL /W INTER 2013-14 BUT DID NOT TEST ELDA S PRING 2014. W HAT DO WE NEED TO DO FOR EOCEP S PRING 2014 TESTING ? 10 If Automatic Updates are enabled on the testing engine client, this software does not need to be uninstalled/reinstalled. The Testing Site Manager is new for spring 2014. The current LCS must be uninstalled, and the TSM must be installed, version 6.0.X.

11 W E INSTALLED NEW SOFTWARE FOR ELDA S PRING 2014. W HAT DO WE NEED TO DO FOR EOCEP S PRING 2014 TESTING ? 11 No further software installations are needed at this time. TSM content must be updated before Online Tools Training (OTT) use or testing can occur. See slide 12 for more information.

12 U PDATING C ONTENT ON THE T ESTING S ITE M ANAGER (TSM) Content for OTTs will be available for updating on April 9. Testing content will be available in late April. The SC Project Team will contact districts when specific content is available to be updated. Please do not update content until notified. 12

13 P RECODE Paper materials were ordered via eDIRECT (in January/February) or January precode, depending on the districts election. The March Update data collection will be used to populate test sessions. All studentspaper/pencil and onlinewill be placed into online test sessions. Districts should use the PowerSchool precode fields for Customized Test Booklets and Oral/Signed Administration for all testerspaper and online. 13

14 R ESOURCES A VAILABLE 14 TAM for Online and Paper/Pencil Testing (March 11) DTC Supplement (March 11) INSIGHT Technology User Guide (February 10) Electronic Security Checklists and Packing Lists (April 17) ELDA and EOCEP Technology Training PowerPoint (January 23) The documents listed below will be posted to eDIRECT and/or the SCDE Web site.


16 O NLINE T ESTING 16 Jan 29:INSIGHT software available (with ELDA) April 9:Online Tools Training (OTT) and Tutorial available April 21: Test Setup, including permissions, available

17 T RAINING & S UPPORT Tutorial (with audio) Guides test administrators and students through testing experience including testing tools and navigation Available via eDIRECT (login not required) Link also downloads with test engine installer May be used in a large-group session 17

18 T RAINING & S UPPORT, CONT. Online Tools Training (OTT) Opportunity for test administrators and students to become familiar with online testing tools Review as many times as desired Practice test items should not be considered representative of an actual test; correct answers and scores not available Available via computer desktop (once software installed) Oral administration (HVA) OTT available for English When audio is playing (stop/starting points/pause): When audio is not playing (stop/starting points/play): Must use a TSM in order to access OTT with HVA English HVA login: Username – englishhva Password – test1234 18

19 P REPARING FOR O NLINE T ESTING Download software and prepare workstations Check audio for Oral Administration (if applicable) Schedule sessions for students and test administrators to view the Tutorial Schedule sessions for students to use the Online Tools Training (OTT) Read the Test Administration Manual and INSIGHT Technology User Guide 19

20 P REPARING FOR O NLINE T ESTING Access Test Setup via eDIRECT Provide necessary permissions to STCs and TAs SC Project Team will send list of permissions assigned to DTCs on April 21 Ensure all students testing online are in a Test Session Add students as needed Update student demographics and accommodations as applicable Print Test Ticket Rosters Create a seating chart for each test session Print Student Test Tickets May wish to print on different colored paper for each subject or test session 20

21 O NLINE A CCOMMODATIONS 21 Online AccommodationFeatures Oral Administration Human Voice Audio (HVA) for directions, items and passages o Same audio as available on CD-ROM Text-to-Speech (TTS) for tools and Help content Schools must provide headphones Loose-Leaf Students may test online Loose-Leaf + Oral Administration Same features as Oral Administration above, but students also have loose-leaf accommodation Schools must provide headphones Large-Print Fully scalable, so students can view items in a larger format by testing on a workstation with a larger monitor Text and graphics approximately 30% larger than regular test booklet. This would also depend on the size of monitor and screen resolution being used. An online test-taker would receive same scaling of materials using a 20 inch monitor versus a standard 15 inch monitor Large-Print + Oral Administration Same features as Oral Administration, but students also have large-print accommodation Schools must provide headphones

22 O NLINE A CCOMMODATIONS 22 Online AccommodationFeatures Signed Administration The sign language test form is available online Video Sign Language (VSL) for items and passages o Same video as available on DVD o Schools must provide headphones for students using the Pidgin Signed English version

23 T EST S ETUP Available via eDIRECT User accounts must have the appropriate permissions Used for the following functions: Manage Test Sessions Access and modify student demographic data Print Test Ticket Rosters Print Student Test Tickets Monitor Testing Ensure the correct, valid Reported School SIDN is entered under the Testing Codes tab for each student. If Tested School and Reported School are the same, no action is needed as long as the Tested School SIDN is valid. 23

24 T EST S ETUP – P ERMISSIONS 24 Permission:Allows Users To: *Online Testing – Secured Resources (April 9) Allows user to view secured online testing downloads Students – Add/EditAdd/edit students and student data for the purposes of testing online Students – Download StudentsDownload a list of student information for all students in a school Students – Search/ViewSearch/view student data and download search results Teachers – Add/EditAdd/edit teachers who have students testing online Teachers – Search/ViewSearch/view teacher data and download search results Test Session – Add/EditAdd, edit, and delete test sessions Test Session – Search/ViewSearch/view test sessions and download search results Test Session – Status SummaryView testing status summary information Test Setup – View Student StatusView Student status Test Tickets – View/PrintAllows user to print student test tickets and view individual ticket statuses Test Tickets – View Questions Attempted Allows user to see questions attempted against total number of questions Test Setup – Primary WindowAllows user access to test setup during the primary window DRC will assign Test Setup permissions to DTCs on April 21. DTCs assign permissions to STCs and TAs.

25 T EST S ETUP – T ICKETS Student Test Tickets with login information are generated automatically; contain all information needed to begin testing STC or TA prints tickets and roster prior to testing session TAs verify that each student has their correct ticket (one ticket needed per subject) Tests activated once a student logs in with username and password provided on ticket Student Test Tickets are secure; must be distributed, collected and accounted for, and securely destroyed following testing 25

26 T EST S ETUP – T ICKETS Tips for helping with login issues Stagger logins User IDs and passwords wont work if there is insufficient bandwidth to authenticate the test ticket Case sensitive Ensure CAPS lock is off. Passwords are case sensitive. 26

27 T EST S ETUP – T ICKETS 27 Rosters and Test Tickets can be printed beginning April 21.

28 R EGENERATING A T EST If a students online accommodation is changed, test must be regenerated to ensure the correct test form: Oral Administration Loose-Leaf Loose-Leaf + Oral Administration Large-Print Large-Print + Oral Administration Sign Language Sign Language + VSL Contact the SC Project Team before the student tests. *Regenerate permission will be available to DTCs from April 21 – April 30. 28

29 R ESTARTING A T EST Students can Pause and then have 20 minutes to resume testing If student does not return within 20 minutes, student can log in later the same day using the same test ticket Student answers, sticky notes, highlighters, flags, and cross-offs will be saved A test may be exited due to inactivity (fire drill, student left without clicking Pause) If student does not return within 20 minutes, student can log in later the same day using the same test ticket Student answers, sticky notes, highlighters, flags, and cross-offs will be saved If the student does not resume testing that day, contact the SCDE and SC Project Team for approval to have the students test unlocked (see page B-27 of the TAM for actions to take). If a student submits a test by mistake, contact the SCDE and SC Project Team for approval to have the students test unlocked. 29



32 I NVENTORY M ATERIALS Record ANY missing materials Note on security checklist Fax or e-mail discrepancies to DRC Verify materials received Packing listsSecurity ranges to security checklists Retain Original Shipping Boxes District Boxes: WhiteSchool Boxes: Brown 32 TAM p. 29; DTCS pp. 1

33 A DDITIONAL M ATERIALS Available April 17 – June 5 Consider reuse before ordering additional materials IntraDistrict Transfer Form (eDIRECT) Additional Materials Ordered via eDIRECT Materials – Additional Materials Orders placed by 4 p.m. EST will be delivered overnight 33 DTCS p. 2 Districts will not be charged for additional materials NEW!


35 S ECURITY C HECKLISTS Used to track and monitor the distribution and receipt of secure materials Contain spaces to: Sign in and sign out materials to STCs and TAs Indicate the date materials were packaged for return Record notes (to indicate if materials were damaged, destroyed, etc.) 35 TAM pp. 9, 10, 19, 30, 33-35; DTCS p. 2

36 S ECURITY C HECKLISTS 36 White copy – returned to DRC (District/school) Pink copy – for DTCs records (District/school) Yellow copy – for STCs records (School Only) Paper May use in place of paper checklists STCs e-mail completed checklists to DTC DTC submits checklist(s)to DRC Electronic TAM pp. 9, 10, 19, 30, 33-35; DTCS p. 2

37 T EST MATERIALS – F ORM A Regular Form A Test Booklet Answer Document Oral Administration Script Use with Form A TB when oral admin in IEP Audio CD-ROM Use with Form A TB when oral admin specified in IEP PC-compatible Loose Leaf Algebra 1, USHC, and Biology One question per page English 1 Passages over multiple pages; multiple items per page Oral Administration Script Can be used with LL TB Answer documents are not included in the test packets Answers must be recorded in an answer document for scoring Large Print Algebra 1 Reference sheet Large-print ruler Oral Administration Script Can be used with LP TB Answer documents are not included in the test packets Answers must be recorded in an answer document for scoring 37 TAM Appendix C

38 T EST MATERIALS – F ORM C Sign Language Test Booklet Answer documents are not included in the test packets Answers must be recorded in an answer document for scoring Sign Language DVD Use with Form C TB when signed admin specified in IEP ASL and PSE available on the same DVD Use with DVD players and computers with DVD capabilities Braille Test Booklet Print and brailled versions Braille TA Notes Algebra 1 Braille ruler and reference sheet Answer documents are not included in the test packets Students may use a braillewriter or other method. TA transcribes into answer document. Braille Oral Admin Script Braille Audio CD-ROM Use with Form C TB when oral admin specified in IEP PC-compatible 38 TAM Appendix C

39 L ABELS Do Not Score Labels Apply to answer documents DRC should not score Return in nonscorable boxes Unused/shrink-wrapped documents do not require a label 39 TAM pp. 17, 25, 31, A-1

40 L ABELS Precode Labels Provided for paper/pencil students based on the Update File 40 TAM pp. 31, A-1

41 A NSWER D OCUMENTS Form A and Form C answer documents combined into one per subject Students must record answers in their answer document, unless their IEP allows responses in the test booklet TA and monitor must transcribe answers into the answer document Do not open unused, shrink-wrapped packages 41 TAM pp. 30-33

42 A NSWER D OCUMENTS 42 TAM pp. 30-33 Form A and Form C answer documents are combined. Fill in the correct form number and accommodation codes as applicable. Hand-coding is mandatory if no label is used; otherwise highly recommended. Start and stop times must be hand-coded. 1

43 S CHOOL /C LASS H EADER S HEET The spring 2014 header (gray) must be used. Instructions for coding located on back of header. 43 TAM pp. 51-55 Discrepancies and Issues may affect 36-hour reporting Student Information System (SIS) Code incomplete Instructional Activity Code does not correspond with answer documents under header Multiple subjects under single header Invalid tested or reported school SIDN

44 S CHOOL /C LASS H EADER S HEET 44 TAM pp. 51-55 Complete one header for each class and subject area. Use leading zeros when filling out the section number. Ensure that valid SIDNs are used for the Tested School and Reported School.

45 R ETURN P ROCEDURES Verify every answer document and header are hand-coded correctly Use, sign, and return security checklists Contact UPS Within three days of final testing date Specify number of boxes being returned Materials return deadline: June 11 45 TAM pp. 35-37; DTCS pp. 3-8

46 R ETURN L ABELS Scorable DRC Return Shipping: Pink UPS Next Day Air: White Nonscorable DRC Return Shipping: Tan UPS Ground: White 46 TAM pp. 35-37; DTCS pp. 3-8

47 P ACKAGING P ROCEDURES 47 Place all scorable test materials in plastic return bags provided by DRC. Seal the bags tightly and place in scorable boxes. TAM pp. 35-37; DTCS pp. 3-8

48 P ACKAGING P ROCEDURES 48 Place all nonscorable test materials in nonscorable boxes. (Plastic bags are not needed for nonscorable materials.) TAM pp. 35-37; DTCS pp. 3-8

49 P ACKAGING P ROCEDURES 49 TAM pp. 35-37; DTCS pp. 3-8

50 P ACKAGING P ROCEDURES 50 Place appropriate colored DRC label on Flap A. Place UPS label (Next-Day Air or Ground) on Flap B. TAM pp. 35-37; DTCS pp. 3-8

51 S UMMER 2014 – L OOKING A HEAD You are encouraged to test students via online testing for summer 2014. If paper/pencil materials are needed, they can be ordered June 2 – 6. Pretest Workshops: Late May/early June TBD Testing Window: June 23 – July 25 Alternative Testing Window: July 28 – October 24 51


53 C ONTACTING DRC 53 Direct Line: 1-800-451-7834 For any technical-related online testing questions, STCs, TAs, or technical coordinators may contact DRC, with the DTCs approval. Fax: 1-866-237-9314 E-mail: eDIRECT:

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