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So You Think You Are Honest?

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2 So You Think You Are Honest?
Try This Quick Quiz……

3 Do people at work know the real you?

4 In the last week have you suppressed thoughts or with-held information to control a situation or protect yourself?

5 Do people say things about you that they’d never say to you?

6 Do you have colleagues who behave badly and never get called on it?

7 7 Don’ts

8 1. Don’t Make Excuses Do What: Say what happened and take responsibility When: Any time you might make an excuse Why: Excuses are childish and disempowering

9 2. Don’t Mutter Do What: Speak up When: When it counts
Why: Integrity is often compromised when people say nothing

10 3. Don’t Leave Out The Truth
Do What: Say the most important stuff When: As often as you can and always when it counts Why: Omitting important information is a user-friendly form of dishonesty

11 4. Don’t Be Defensive Do What: Be curious – ask questions
When: When people say things you don’t like hearing Why: To encourage other people to be honest with you

12 5. Don’t Have An Opinion If You Don’t Need One
Do What: Stay open When: Any time you don’t need to make a decision Why: Opinions oppose learning

13 6. Don’t Express Opinion As Fact
Do What: State opinion as opinion and fact as fact When: When it’s important that the discussion is open Why: I think it’s egotistical to express your opinion as fact

14 7. Don’t Pretend You Do if You Don’t
Do What: Be authentic When: All the time Why: Pretending costs you more than it’s worth.

15 Source “Bullshift” by Andrew Horabin

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