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Warm Up After the last battle of the Civil War, what would the next step be for the United States and how would they achieve it?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up After the last battle of the Civil War, what would the next step be for the United States and how would they achieve it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up After the last battle of the Civil War, what would the next step be for the United States and how would they achieve it?

2 Reconstruction in Texas
Unit 6

3 Reconstruction Begins
-Reconstruction: the plan to restore the South to the Union after the Civil War -Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865 by John Wilkes Booth -Andrew Johnson became the 17th Pres. of the U.S. John W. Booth Ford’s Theatre

4 Lincoln/Johnson’s Plan
Southern states would have to meet these conditions before reentering the Union: 1. Had to set up temporary governments 2. End slavery 3. Declare secession illegal 4. Adult white males had to take oath of loyalty to the U.S. “I wish to carry out Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction. You MUST agree to the following.” President Andrew Johnson

5 Black Codes/Jim Crow Laws
-Laws limiting the civil rights and liberties of blacks after the Civil War -Enacted in 1866 in TX -Not allowed to: Vote, hold office, serve on juries, or marry whites. -State prohibited from providing public land to blacks & barred from supporting schools for blacks out of the state’s public school fund. -The black codes also defined labor relations: could be fined or arrested for not working

6 Freedmen’s Bureau -1865 the fed. government established the bureau to help blacks -Protected newly freed slaves from violence and black codes -Provided food and health care -Helped adults obtain jobs and set up schools for children -Bureau closed in 1868 when South reorganized their governments

7 Congressional Plan for Reconstruction
-Texas had not ratified the 13th & 14th amendments to the U.S. Const. 13th: Banned slavery 14th: Made all African Americans citizens 15th Amendment: right to vote can’t be denied because of race Congress Takes Action: Congress placed South under control of the army -Army would supervise TX until it passed a new const. giving African Americans the right to vote/hold office -State’s elected officials left office -White males had to take the “ironclad oath” swearing they didn’t support the Confederacy to vote –if they didn’t, no vote!

8 Ku Klux Klan (KKK) -Many white Texans resented actions by Congress
-Disliked Texans who won public office that were Unionists -Formed in the Southern U.S. in the 1860’s to intimidate and terrorize African Americans As a secret vigilante group, the Klan targeted freedmen and their allies; it sought to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against black and white Republicans.

9 Ku Klux Klan

10 Convention of 1868 New constitution
-Delegates called a new convention. -Convention split into 2 main groups *Republicans – more rights for African Americans *Moderate Republicans – moderate, or less extreme changes New constitution -Gave TX a strong centralized government -African Americans had the right to vote -Governor could appoint judges -Required kids to go to school

11 Warm Up Why do you think it was so hard for the Texans to agree to the terms to be readmitted to the Union after the Civil War?

12 -U.S. Pres. Grant was satisfied -March 30, 1870 Texas was readmitted
-Texans approved new const. in 1869 -Edmund J. Davis become governor -U.S. Pres. Grant was satisfied -March 30, 1870 Texas was readmitted into the Union “I am pleased with your new Constitution. Texas, you are officially readmitted to the Union.” Pres. Grant

13 End of Reconstruction -Davis was criticized:
*Created a state police force (critics said used it to arrest his opponents) *Postponed elections *Raised taxes -Used tax money to build roads/schools & defend the frontier -1872: Ran for reelection and lost to Richard Coke -Former Confederates now had control of TX government

14 Economic Changes -End of Reconstruction, more cotton, wheat, and corn production…how?? -Expansion of railroads and more immigrants into TX! -TX farmers could now send crops/livestock to distant markets -Began to develop more industries -Most Texans still earned a living on small farms -Sharecropper system replaced slave labor -Scalawags: Poor white Southerners who went along with Radical Republicans

15 Sharecropper system -Landowners paid for tools, seed, animals, and housing -In exchange, sharecroppers worked the land and gave half the value of their crops to the landowners -Landowners controlled sharecroppers by selling supplies at a high price -Sharecroppers would go into debt and were tied to the land until their debt was paid off.

16 Constitution of 1876 -Texans did not want a strong central government
-Held another convention to make changes -The Const. of 1876: *Cut governor’s power to appoint officers *Limited elected leaders to two-year terms *All males received the right to vote -Voters approved the new const. on Feb. 15, 1876

17 *Political Effects during Reconstruction: -13th, 14th and 15th Amendments -Black codes/ Jim Crow *Economic Effects during Reconstruction: -The increase of migration >>>>> more land owners >>>>> need for farm labor >>>>> increase of sharecroppers and tenant farmers.

18 -Social Effects during Reconstruction: -Concern over future of freedmen - June 19th, 1865 or Juneteenth celebrated by freed slaves -Freedmen’s Bureau established -KKK became features of Southern segregation -Immigration to Texas increased

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