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Study of the resonance states in 27P by using

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1 Study of the resonance states in 27P by using
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • Study of the resonance states in 27P by using elastic scattering of 26Si + p

2 1.809 g-ray image, made by COMpton TELescope
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • 1.809 g-ray image, made by COMpton TELescope Estimation of the abundance of 26Al under different stellar sites, i.e., Novae, Supernovae, etc. : Important for building a model of stellar evolution, or identifying the main origin of the g-sources 26mAl and 26gAl have different paths. Then, they should be dealt with as different species??

3 Under higher temperature of T > 0.4 GK, they can communicate
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • Under higher temperature of T > 0.4 GK, they can communicate through internal transitions. (Ward80, Coc00, and Runk01) Therefore the abundance of 26mAl become s important and we should know the reaction rate of 26Si (p, g)27P, which competes with 26Si(b+n)26mAl. More contributable, the resonance reaction rate needs the information of the resonances within Gamow window, such as E i (resonance energy), J (spin).

4 To get the resonance parameters of resonance states in 27P,
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Experiment • • • Astrophysical implication • • • To get the resonance parameters of resonance states in 27P, • Probe : Elastic scattering with a radioactive ion beam 26Si, because of its large scattering cross section • Physical quantity to be measured : Excitation function of the elastic scattering of 26Si + p using thick target scan technique • Tool for analysis : R-matrix based code SAMMY M6-beta • Physical quantities to be extracted : Resonance parameters, such as energy, spin-parity, and proton decay width for each observed resonance • Astrophysical Information to be presented : Reaction rate for resonant capture as a function of temperature

5 RI beams at F3 : 25Al (33 kcps, 61.8 % purity), 26Si (12kcps, 23.2 %)
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • 1st experiment Date : June ~ June RI beams at F2 : 25Al (11.1 kcps, 5.1 % purity), 26Si (2.32kcps, 1.1 %) for full 24Mg beam of 600enA 2nd experiment Date : Jan ~ Jan RI beams at F3 : 25Al (33 kcps, 61.8 % purity), 26Si (12kcps, 23.2 %) for full 24Mg beam of 1600enA

6 Brief introduction of experimental setup in 2003
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • Brief introduction of experimental setup in 2003 CRIB (CNS Radioactive Ion Beam RIKEN, Japan 24Mg beam (7.439 MeV/u, ~ 600 emA) + 3He gas (1atm) 3He (24Mg, n)26Si D2 D1 PPAC Target holder DE-E 0 deg. DE-E 17 deg. PPAC

7 E cm (26Si) = 3.606 MeV on target Beam Intensity = 2 .32 kcps
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • Depending on different Br, the fragments are separated by two dipole magnets. E cm (26Si) = MeV on target Beam Intensity = kcps By using position sensitive detectors, proton spectra can be converted to those in C.M. frame.

8 Brief introduction of experimental setup in 2011
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • Brief introduction of experimental setup in 2011 26Si14+ - Energy ~ 3.710MeV/u - Purity ~ 23 % - Intensity ~ 1.2X104 pps

9 26Si RIB 3.710MeV/u recoiled protons H2 gas target (30cm, 330torr)
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • 26Si RIB 3.710MeV/u recoiled protons H2 gas target (30cm, 330torr) DSSDs at 0o and 15o for DE-E telescope PPACs

10 Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • The excitation function of 26Si + p can be analyzed by R-matrix theory and Shell model calculation to extract the resonance parameters.

11 Preliminary result Excitation function of 26Si+p In 2003 In 2011 0o
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • Excitation function of 26Si+p In 2003 0o Preliminary result In 2011

12 R-matrix analysis It was hard to determine a good spin-parity
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • R-matrix analysis It was hard to determine a good spin-parity combination for the observed peaks, because of large statistical error. So all candidates were taken and used in determining the important resonance parameters.

13 Comparison with the shell model calculation (OXBASH)
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • Comparison with the shell model calculation (OXBASH) Iliadis et al., NPA 618, 166 (1997) : ~ 0.2 for 1d3/2, 5/2 ~ 0.4 for 2s1/2 Spectroscopic factor Calculation (Oxbash) - Model space : sdpn - Interaction : wpn - Core : 26Si(g.s., 0+)

14 Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • •

15 ** 26Si + p  27P radiative capture reaction rate calculation
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • 26Si + p  27P radiative capture reaction rate calculation 1. Parameters, used in the resonant capture reaction rate calc. ** ** Weisskopf width, calculated and based on the transition information of 27Mg 2. Direct capture reaction rate So = from Caggiano et al. (PRC , 2001) 3. Total capture reaction rate Resonant capture + Direct capture reaction rate

16 Not including new levels
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • Not including new levels 1.2 MeV 1.631 MeV Including new levels

17 X-ray burst model 1.35Msun 1.25Msun 26Si + p  27P 26Si b-decay
Overview • • • Analysis and results • • • Experiment • • • Experiment • • • • • • • Astrophysical implication • • • Competition between 26Si + p  27P and 26Si  26mAl b-decay solid and dashed line : rXH<sv>/AH = /T1/2 (XH = 0.5, T1/2 = s) X-ray burst model 1.35Msun 1.25Msun 26Si + p  27P 26Si b-decay For T > 2GK and r < 10-2 g cm-3 , the newly found states become more significant.

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