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Curriculum Night Thursday, September 29th

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1 Curriculum Night Thursday, September 29th
Whitmire Great happens here!

2 Standards at Parkside Mission and Vision of Parkside: Love Learn Lead

3 Grade Level Standards Grading Policy (1,2,3,4) Assessments: MAP
Reading BOY- 161 , MOY- 172 , EOY- 178 Math BOY- 162 , MOY- 174, EOY- 181 DIBELS (red, yellow, green) TRC (reading level) AMC (math)

4 Measures of academic progress (MAP) What is MAP?
On-line computer based Universal Screener K-5 Assessments provide detailed data about where each child is currently performing Does not count towards your child’s grade! It drives instruction for the teacher Students will be assessed BOY, MOY, EOY Reports are generated and shared at your teacher conference

5 Daily Schedule 7:45-8:15 Arrival/Morning Work
8:15-10:10 Literacy (Flex for leveled learning) 10:10-11:10 Specials 11:10-11:45 Science, Social Studies, and Writing 11:45-12:20 Lunch 12:20-1:40 Math 1:40-2:10 Recess 2:15-3:00 P.R.E.P. 3:15 Dismissal

6 Literacy CC Standards Reading Standards for Literature
Informational Text Speaking and Listening Foundational Skills Language Writing whitmire

7 Phonics Skill focus each day, such as sight words, rhyming, syllable counting, concepts about print. Students learn letter sounds, including long & short vowels, digraphs, and more which they practice during blending. whitmire

8 Reader’s Workshop The purpose is to provide a structured reading environment for students to become lifelong AVID readers. 30-45 minutes of our day Bulk of time spent on reading Student = independent, partners, book clubs, using notebook, or small group-chooses their own “just right” books Teacher = conferring, assessing, and working with guided reading groups whitmire

9 Words Their Way (WTW) Students were given a Spelling Inventory to determine spelling level. Students are grouped according to sounds they need to master and work on. On the last day of their sort week students will be assessed. whitmire

10 Writer’s Workshop Personal Narratives- 3-Finger writing leads into 5-finger writing. Persuasive Writing Nonfiction Example of “3-Finger” writing: I went to the movies yesterday. I went with my friend Justin. We had fun. Example of “5-Finger” writing: I went to the beach last summer. I went with my mom and my dad. We stayed in a nice hotel. We went to an amusement park. I can’t wait to go back to the beach. whitmire

11 Writing Ways to help your child become a better writer
Keep a journal at home, set aside a time each day to write Use sounds to write- spelling doesn’t have to be correct Talk about writing: Does it make sense? Are periods in the right place? Are appropriate letters capitalized? Is your handwriting neat? whitmire

12 Math-CC Standards Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Numbers and Operations in Base 10, Measurement and Data, Geometry Major Math Concepts: Number sense (counting, greater than/less than, etc.) to 120 Addition/Subtraction of multiple digit numbers (how +/- relate), word problems Time Length (nonstandard units) Geometric shapes, fractions of shapes Place Value appleby

13 Math Program called Investigations; K-5 mathematics curriculum designed to engage students in making sense of mathematical ideas. Program called Kathy Richardson; students will work on fluency with numbers up to 10. Use of manipulatives (home and school) to extend and review concepts/skills. Optional Math Homework is on the First Grade weebly page. Students need to work in Dreambox for 45 minutes a week. appleby

14 Social Studies 5 Strands:
History Geography and Environmental Literacy Economic and Financial Literacy Civics and Governance Culture Students will learn about neighborhoods & communities, change over time, holidays and geography. appleby

15 Science Force and Motion Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes
Earth in the Universe Ecosystems Molecular Biology During investigations, students will have opportunities to use tools such as magnifiers, thermometers, rulers, or balances to gather data and extend their senses. Through science experiments students will use drawings and models to communicate results and explanations. appleby

16 Parent Communication Monthly newsletter will be sent home via email
Check agendas for daily notes is preferred if you have any questions or concerns Check out our weebly for any updates: pollifrone

17 Purpose of School Wide Behavior Plan
Establish a positive school environment Minimize school wide discipline issues Provide clear and consistent expectations pollifrone

18 Color Clip Chart School Wide Color Behavior System
All students begin each day on Ready to Lead Students can move up and down the chart based on their choices throughout the day. Up – positive behavior Down – poor choices Consistent consequences for colors. pollifrone

19 If students end on yellow, they will receive a note in their agenda.
Slow Down: If students end on yellow, they will receive a note in their agenda. Don’t Give Up: If students end the day on orange, parents will receive a phone call to discuss behavior. Students will complete a think sheet inside the classroom. Think About it: If students end the day on red, a parent-teacher conference will need to take place. Students will complete a think sheet outside the classroom and lose a privilege inside the classroom. pollifrone

20 pollifrone

21 Monthly Focus 7 Habits of Happy Kids + The Essential 55
Goal is to develop the whole child In line with Leader In Me mentality and supports school wide behavior. School Wide – Classroom and Specialty areas are responsible for teaching and reiterating each habit. Reference 7 h pollifroneabit tree

22 Agenda Student color will be indicated in the agenda daily.
Notes will be written in the agenda from teachers. Please write what book your child read inside the agenda. Parents initial daily Whitmire

23 Homework Policy Read for 20 minutes nightly
Students will need to answer nightly questions about their reading. Please use the weebly page for suggested questions. We encourage them to write answers once a week. Math homework will be to work on Dreambox for 45 minutes each week. Check the weebly for optional math homework Compass Learning will be coming soon! Add note in agenda for writing Appleby

24 Questions???

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