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Deaf Children and Mental Health Provision in Scotland

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Presentation on theme: "Deaf Children and Mental Health Provision in Scotland"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deaf Children and Mental Health Provision in Scotland
Session split in 2 parts. An outline of the current situation in Scotland, followed by discussion in small groups on what needs to change and how we do that Alasdair O’Hara Lois Drake

2 Deaf children and mental health
Deaf children are four times more likely than other children to experience emotional health and wellbeing issues. These issues often arise due to issues resulting from communication difficulties. At any given time: 50.3% of deaf children will experience some mental health problems 3.4% will require specialist services How do we support these children? Detail research on the link between communication difficultes and EHWB

3 The current situation in Scotland
Current support in Scotland: Adult service established in 2011 Language / communication in the early years – Everyone Together, local authority provision Current support elsewhere: Deaf CAMHS fully operation in England based on a hub and spoke model in addition to Cornerhouse. Northern Ireland – working groups to share expertise, referral pathways, developing specialist support 3 regional hubs Mention Rob Walker NI input, Holly Greer and BTG

4 Evidence in Scotland We have limited Scotland specific evidence on Mental Health: Approximately 3850 deaf children in Scotland Research shows that access for deaf children to generic CAMHS is poor. Population level data would suggest 66 referrals a year in Scotland What data do we need? How do we get it? Generic CAMHS access – list reasons why generic professionals can struggle with prevention / identification List the data LD CAMHS collected

5 Previous campaigning by NDCS
We have been campaigning for a specialist Deaf CAMHS service in Scotland. 2013 campaign report NHS services bids Mental Health strategy Now we will discuss the next steps SDCMHS: specialist advice to local mental health teams and specialist support in assessment and treatment in a community setting for deaf children and young people in Scotland. The term deaf here refers to all levels of childhood hearing loss, including temporary and unilateral. It all also refers to the full spectrum of communication methods including British Sign Language, Sign Supported English and spoken language.


7 Tier 1 provision What needs to change? How can it be changed?
What can we all do now? Split into 2 groups for discussion- Lois leading one and Alasdair the other. Record feedback and actions on the flipcharts. Ref DCAMHS paper (August 17) and Tier 1

8 Tier 2 and tier 3 provision
What needs to change? How can it be changed? What can we all do now?

9 Tier 4 provision What needs to change? How can it be changed?
What can we all do now?

10 Feedback and end of session
What happens next? Any questions or comments about the session? Thank you for joining us! Summarise agreed actionsand read out next steps

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