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Writing & Using Tone Rows

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Presentation on theme: "Writing & Using Tone Rows"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing & Using Tone Rows

2 Objective: SWBAT write and use a tone row in a composition

3 Big Questions What is a Tone Row?
How do Serialist composers use Tone Rows in their compositions?

4 Writing a Tone Row 1 Tone Row: A non-repetitve melodic pattern that arranges a set group of pitches You are going to write your own! “OMG! For realzeez? It’s always been my dream to write a tone row!” - Student who won’t have to take this class during summer school

5 1 Writing a Tone Row A set group of pitches
This will be the set of pitches we use today

6 1 Writing a Tone Row Non-repetitive
Now, let’s rewrite your chosen pitches into a tone row with no repetitions

7 1 Writing a Tone Row Melodic pattern
Interval – The distance between two pitches  Write the intervals between each pitch above the staff

8 Serialism is a style of music based on melodic pattern
Using the Tone Row 2 Serialism is a style of music based on melodic pattern

9 Using the Tone Row 2  Inversion – when a tone row is arranged upside down  The intervals should be in the same order but in the reverse direction Original Inversion

10 Using the Tone Row 2 Now let’s practice rearranging the tone row in different ways  Retrograde- when a tone row is arranged backwards  The intervals should be in reverse order starting with the last pitch of the row Original Retrograde

11 2 Using the Tone Row  It’s best easiest to reverse the inversion
Retrograde Inversion - when a tone row is arranged upside down and then backwards  It’s best easiest to reverse the inversion Inversion Retrograde Inversion

12 Write Your Own Composition
3 “I can compose my own Serialist piece?!?! Today just get’s better & better!!!!” -Student who has a better grade than you

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