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First Global 1km Operational Cloud Products from NESDIS

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1 First Global 1km Operational Cloud Products from NESDIS
The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on METOP, launched October 2006, provides global 1km data for the first time from an operational sensor. The Clouds from AVHRR Extended (CLAVR-x) processing system can generate 1 km cloud products (detection, type, height, and optical properties). CLAVR-x transitioned to operational status in May 2007. Since then, global 1 km cloud properties have been produced operationally and made available to NESDIS customers. The images on the left show were generated from CLAVR-x output for August 2, 2006 from METOP-A FRAC data over Europe. The image on the left shows a false image using the 0.63, 0.86 and 11 mm observations. The image on the right shows the cloud optical depth. Values greater than 20 are shown as red. Small values are blue. Work is ongoing with EUMETSAT on METOP product validation and inter-comparison. False Color Image using 0.63, 0.86 and 11 mm observations from METOP-A Derived Cloud Optical Thickness from CLAVR-x (Andy Heidinger)

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