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Achievement Award Isaac

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Presentation on theme: "Achievement Award Isaac"— Presentation transcript:

1 Achievement Award Isaac
For following verbal instructions when asked to go and sit on his chair with no physical prompt. Well done Isaac! Date: 10th November 2017

2 Achievement Award Jakub
For using his initiative to knock on a class door to ask for help when taking the register independently. Well done Jakub! Date: 10th November 2017

3 Achievement Award Joseph
For engaging well in his PE lesson - following instructions and joining in for the whole session in the hall. Well done Joseph! Date: 10th November 2017

4 Achievement Award Danyl
For excellent engagement and interaction with another pupil on the magic carpet. Well done Danyl! Date: 10th November 2017

5 Achievement Award Steven
For excellent engagement and interaction with another pupil on the magic carpet. Well done Steven! Date: 10th November 2017

6 Achievement Award Tj For following every sentence of the ‘Gruffalo’s Child’ story with interest, tracking the pictures and listening intently. Date: 10th November 2017

7 Achievement Award Sophia
For engaging well in all of her lessons and keeping the headphones on for the duration of her story on the iPad. Well done Sophia! Date: 10th November 2017

8 Achievement Award Esme
For great talking during language games - asking for items she wants and taking turns with her friends. Well done Esme! Date: 10th November 2017

9 Achievement Award Zephan
For his excellent acting and signing in Romeo and Juliet at the Haymarket Theatre. Well done Zephan! Date: 10th November 2017

10 Achievement Award Ronnie
For his excellent singing and signing in Romeo and Juliet at the Haymarket Theatre. Well done Ronnie! Date: 10th November 2017

11 Achievement Award Callum
For his excellent acting and coping well with changes in Romeo and Juliet at the Haymarket Theatre. Well done Callum! Date: 10th November 2017

12 Achievement Award Owen
For his excellent team work and swordsmanship in Romeo and Juliet at the Haymarket Theatre. Well done Owen! Date: 10th November 2017

13 Achievement Award Kenneth
For his independent acting in Romeo and Juliet at the Haymarket Theatre. Well done Kenneth! Date: 10th November 2017

14 Achievement Award Lucy
For her excellent acting and understanding of her role in Romeo and Juliet at the Haymarket Theatre. Well done Lucy! Date: 10th November 2017

15 Achievement Award Matt
For his excellent team work and independent acting in Romeo and Juliet at the Haymarket Theatre. Well done Matt! Date: 10th November 2017

16 Achievement Award Niwa
For his excellent signing whilst rehearsing for Romeo and Juliet. Well done Niwa! Date: 10th November 2017

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