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Sault College Career Essentials

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1 Sault College Career Essentials
Tips for Completing Application Forms

2 Ask for two copies of the form, that way if you make a mistake you have a blank one to re-do.
Bring your own good quality, erasable pens in case you need to fill out the form there. Follow the directions on the form carefully. Be honest. It is almost irreversible to undo the damage if you are caught in a lie. If you think a response would undermine your credibility, just write “will explain in interview” beside it.

3 Ask the person you get the application form from what the most current title is of the job that you are applying for. List your most recent employer and work backwards when filling in the work experience area. Include company names, the dates you started there until you finished, job titles, and the positive contributions you made while there. Write something positive like “left to pursue other opportunities” for a reason for leaving past work.

4 In the education and training area of the form, provide specific information such as dates you attended, names of schools, and certificates, diplomas, or degrees you earned. If you have taken training courses or have earned special awards related to the work you are applying for, list them also. Fill in the “Additional Comments” section if there is one. It is the one place where you can expand on your combination of skills and interests that you would bring to the workplace.

5 Deliver a clean, crisp looking form
Deliver a clean, crisp looking form. Do not fold the application form many times or let it get dog-eared. If you can show samples of your work, bring a portfolio with you. Don’t attach copies of your mark, performance appraisals or letters of recommendation unless you are asked to. Make personal contact with the employer, if possible, when you deliver the application form. Be professional and ready to answer any questions the employer may have. Don’t write down an expected salary figure unless you are sure of the standard salary range for this type of work.

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