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Can you believe everything you read?

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Presentation on theme: "Can you believe everything you read?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can you believe everything you read?
credibility Can you believe everything you read?

2 Do you believe… …what you read in the newspaper?

3 Do you believe… …what you see on the TV news?

4 Do you believe … …one network more than another?

5 Do you believe… …what you read on the Internet?

6 Do you believe… …what you read in the National Enquirer?

7 “Credibility” “The degree to which the public believes what it reads & hears.”

8 How do you achieve credibility?
Be accurate Be unbiased Avoid apparent conflicts of interest

9 Accuracy Get facts right How do you make sure your facts are right?
Name (spelling) Age Hometown Numbers—scores, dollar amounts, credits, grades How do you make sure your facts are right? Double-check Two sources

10 Unbiased “Bias” – a tendency that prevents unprejudiced consideration of an issue To be unbiased is to be fair, balanced, objective fair = honest reporting balanced = both sides of an issue objective = without preconceptions

11 “Objectivity” A lack of personal feelings or bias

12 Avoid apparent conflicts of interest
Conflict of interest = when one of a person’s interests is advanced or improved at the expense of another Journalists shouldn’t write about people/events they can’t be objective about When necessary, journalists should reveal their conflict of interest/lack of objectivity

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