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Westward Expansion Day 3, 2017.

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1 Westward Expansion Day 3, 2017

2 Large White paper- Burrito fold

3 Large White paper- Tri Fold (Burrito fold)
Glue onto page 27 when finished. Add a title to that page

4 Example paper Gray book Draw map free hand fold

5 Add the notes in BLUE (only) to your map if you don’t have them.
Day 4 Thursday, February 2, 2017 Today we learned how we acquired La Purchase, Texas, Mex. Cession and Oregon, and the Gadsden Purchase Please read carefully in Presentation mode and click on all video links. (film icons) Add the notes in BLUE (only) to your map if you don’t have them.

6 Warm Up- Feb 2 page . 26 Correctly match each quote to one of the phrases in the box that best reflects that person’s reason for moving west. I am a farmer in Missouri. The land is wearing out from years of growing crops, and I need new farmland. ___________________ I am a Texan living in the Republic of Texas. I am worried about our republic’s economy and safety. We need to become part of the U.S. ________________________ I am a congressman from the North. I want to expand the great democracy of America all the way across the continent.______________ I am a Mormon facing persecution for my religious beliefs. I need to find a place to live where I can practice my faith freely. ________________________ I am a fur trader living west of the Mississippi River. I need a better way to transport my furs to trading posts. __________________ Social motive Political motive Economic motive

7 Louisiana Purchase (1803) Florida (1819) Purchased from France
Doubled the size of the U.S. Florida (1819) Purchased for $5 million from Spain

8 Annexation of Texas (1845) annexation_-to add on a territory onto your country Texas won independence as an independent nation from Mexico (US army did not help) James K Polk (President 1844) U.S. reluctant to add a slave state, but did in 1845


10 The Oregon Boundary Dispute
But, the USA & England compromised & divided Oregon along 49th parallel in 1846 Oregon residents demanded the entire territory: “54º40’ or fight!” In 1846, President Polk notified Britain that the U.S. wanted full control of Oregon

11 Territorial Expansion by Mid-19th Century
Benefits of Oregon: the U.S. gained its 1st deep-water port in the Pacific & Northern abolitionists saw Oregon as a balance to slave-state Texas

12 Oregon Country Created a deep water port on the Pacific side
Claimed by both Britain and America Compromised on the 49th parallel with a treaty-1846

13 Take the Mexican War notes on page 29!

14 U.S. Mexican War (1845-1848) Causes: Annexation of Texas
“War of Aggression”- Americans Polk desired to expand the United States. Border disputes of southern boundary of Texas (Rio Grande or Nueces River)

15 The Mexican-American War
John C Fremont won in California The Mexican-American War The disputed area of Texas Zachary Taylor won in northern Mexico Stephen Kearney captured New Mexico Kearney captured New Mexico & Frémont took California Scott occupied Mexico City Winfield Scott captured Mexico City

16 The Rio Grande became the recognized U.S. southern border.
Ending the Mexican War Effects: In 1848, U.S. & Mexico ended the war with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: The U.S. grew 20% by buying the Mexican Cession for $15 million (present-day NM, AZ, CA, Utah, NV, & parts of CO & WY The Rio Grande became the recognized U.S. southern border.

17 Please add this to your “Growth of US” notes on page 27!!
Gadsden Purchase (1853) purchased from Mexico for $10 Million bought for a Railroad that linked the South and the Pacific Coast

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