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WELCOME! Edmonton City Centre.

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1 WELCOME! Edmonton City Centre

2 Oxford and Cineplex Media
Partners since June 2014

3 are in high-income households ($100K+)
EDMONTON CITY CENTRE Edmonton City Centre visitors: 60% 40% 72% of visitors are Adults 18-49 43% are in high-income households ($100K+) 44% Recall OOH Advertising in Malls last week Summarize data Source: Vividata Fall 2018, Edmonton Census Metropolitan Area; Visitors to Edmonton City Centre refer to past month

Edmonton City Centre visitors are more likely to be Adults and, affluent and well-employed compared to Edmonton general population Index 135 Index 124 Index 125 Index 112 Index 127 Source: Vividata Fall 2018, Edmonton Census Metropolitan Area, HHI and occupation based on A18+

Among Edmonton City Centre visitors, 44% recalled seeing OOH Advertising in Shopping Malls in the past week Among Edmonton City Centre visitors, 24% took an action (e.g., purchased product/brand/service) after seeing an OOH ad Source: Vividata Fall 2018, Edmonton Census Metropolitan Area; Visitors to Edmonton City Centre refer to past month

6 Canadians Love To Shop During November and December 31% of the annual mall traffic is shopping during this time. The estimated Weekly Impressions from the digital screens at ECC is 125,000/wk during this time period

7 Digital Backlit Displays
84” high units 10 units at ECC Still images or full-motion video Loop length is 5 minutes Highlight data

8 Hero Walls 7’ high x 24’ long! 5 Minute Loop Length
Still images or video capable 2 Units at ECC

9 Exclusive Tenant Offer #1
BLACK FRIDAY! November 20/21/22/23 $500.00 All Screens

10 Exclusive Tenant Offer #2
HOLIDAY SALES Any 7 days in Nov/Dec $875.00

11 Oxford Tenant Offer Tenant picks the days
Includes Hero Walls & Backlit Posters 15 sec spot Video or Static Cineplex Media design assistance Campaign must expire by December 31, 2018 Offer expires November 30, 2018 Rates are net

12 Thank You

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