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Positive Behavior Support

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1 Positive Behavior Support

2 Cub Traits C- Caring U- Understanding B- Be Respectful and Responsible
S- Safe Understanding Responsible and Respectful Caring Safe CUB TRAITS

3 Cold Hill Cubs Pledge As Cold Hill CUBS, we will be Caring and Understanding. We will always Be responsible and respectful, putting Safety first. We will do our best every day.

4 Noise Levels 0 – No Noise 1 – Whisper 2 – Partner 3 – Group
4 – Outside (A zero noise level is required during all safety drills.)

5 Hallway Expectations Noise Level of 0 (No Noise)
Feet and Hands to self Maintain Personal Space

6 Playground Expectations
Enter/Exit playground only after teacher Use equipment appropriately Hands and feet to self Stay within boundaries 1 whistle means look at teacher 3 whistles means time to line up (may be repeated)

7 Pick-up Expectations Noise level of 0 (No Noise)
Stay within boundaries Primary will line up in marked area and wait for an adult to escort them to gym. Sit in marked areas in gym. Third grade will go to Music/Art Room Fourth and Fifth grade will go to the Computer Lab

8 End of Day Expectations
Noise level of 0 (No Noise) Students line up in marked areas and wait for adult to escort them to bus. Hands and feet to self

9 BUS Expectations Noise level of 1
Sit in assigned seat with backpack/personal items Sit appropriately Leave bus aisle clear of backpacks, feet, etc. Be respectful

10 Lunchroom Expectations
Noise level of 1 while waiting to get tray and when leaving to go back to class Noise level of 2 or lower at the lunch table Raise hand for help Leave no trace Sit appropriately Walking feet only Single file line to trash can Use your manners

11 Computer Lab Expectations
Noise level of 1 Be responsible for equipment Leave no trace Sit appropriately Only visit teacher assigned websites

12 RESTROOM Expectations
Noise level of 1 3 in at a time Wash hands-1 pump of soap/ 1 paper towel Leave no trace

13 Water Fountain Expectations
Noise level of 0 (No Noise) Hands/Feet to self Be respectful of personal space Leave no trace Be respectful of the time Keep mouth a safe and sanitary distance from the water fountain

14 Safety Drill Expectations
Noise level of 0 Stay with assigned teacher in appropriate location Remain Calm Hands/feet to self

15 Classroom Expectations
Noise Level 0 during instruction Sit quietly with eyes on speaker Keep work area neat Bring items needed for class Complete all work Turn homework in on time

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