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Review from last week Kansas-Nebraska Act: Kansas is almost ready to be a state- To slave or not? Stephan Douglas looked to avoid more issues so he proposes.

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Presentation on theme: "Review from last week Kansas-Nebraska Act: Kansas is almost ready to be a state- To slave or not? Stephan Douglas looked to avoid more issues so he proposes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review from last week Kansas-Nebraska Act: Kansas is almost ready to be a state- To slave or not? Stephan Douglas looked to avoid more issues so he proposes putting Popular Sovereignty into place in Kansas and Nebraska Allowing the people there to vote and decide if they want slavery- Eliminated Missouri Compromise Issues: Bleeding Kansas: Pro Slavery and Anti-Slavery people rush to Kansas to sway the vote They obviously don’t get along and fight-John Brown Bleeding Sumner: In Congress, things get heated over debates about Bleeding Kansas

2 Goal: Examine how the conflict over slavery impacted the country
Dred Scott’s America Goal: Examine how the conflict over slavery impacted the country

3 Dred Scott Dred Scott was a slave in Missouri
His owner moved to Wisconsin and took his slave with him The owner later moved back to Missouri Years later Dred Scott decided to sue for his freedom since Wisconsin was a free territory Dred Scott

4 Dred Scott v. Sandford Dred Scott’s case reached the Supreme Court
Gave Supreme Court opportunity to address issue of slavery Decision: Supreme Court (Chief Justice Roger Taney) found that Scott was a slave and therefore property (could not sue) Went further: Constitution protected slavery Congress cannot ban it People cannot vote it away

5 Discuss Why was Dred Scott going to court?
What did the Supreme Court decide? How do you predict the Dred Scott decision will impact America? Discuss

6 Reaction to Dred Scott Case
Supported Southerners beliefs Court stated that nothing could stop slavery Limiting the spread of slavery illegal Abolitionist views deemed unconstitutional Primary belief of Abolitionists was to stop expansion of slavery Stated that slavery could NOT be illegal anywhere in US

7 Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln ran against each other for Senate They had a series of debates Main topic: Expansion of Slavery Lincoln was able to force Douglas to take a side on slavery Lincoln argued in favor of keeping the Union together Douglas won election but Lincoln became well known

8 Harpers Ferry Anti- slavery leader John Brown planned to start a slave revolt in Virginia Plan Raid a federal weapons arsenal at Harpers Ferry Arm slaves in Virginia Sweep through the south freeing slaves and killing slave owners Plan failed as no slaves joined him, he was captured and executed South disgusted when North views Brown as hero

9 Which of the things talked about today divided the nation the most?
Reflection Which of the things talked about today divided the nation the most?

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