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Dwelling in the Word + A process of discerning and being open to the work and direction of the Holy Spirit.

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Presentation on theme: "Dwelling in the Word + A process of discerning and being open to the work and direction of the Holy Spirit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dwelling in the Word + A process of discerning and being open to the work and direction of the Holy Spirit

2 1) Waaraan het jy gedink terwyl die teks gelees is?
(Waar dwaal jou verbeelding?) 2) Waaroor het jy gewonder terwyl die teks gelees is? (Watter vraag sou jy graag wou vra?)

3 Hoe tree christene op teenoor mekaar?
+ Hoe tree christene op teenoor mekaar? +

4 Hoe tree christene op teenoor die wêreld?
+ Hoe tree christene op teenoor die wêreld?

5 Kry ‘n redelike vriendelike vreemdeling
Luister na die Woord Kry ‘n redelike vriendelike vreemdeling

6 Bespreek die twee vrae…
1) Waaraan het jy gedink terwyl die teks gelees is? 2) Waaroor het jy gewonder terwyl die teks gelees is?

7 Die teks wat alles omdraai
+ + Die teks wat alles omdraai + Stel jou voor… Die Here wat ons moes dien, het gekom en ons kom dien. Die Here wat ons moes liefhê, het gekom en sy liefde oor ons uitgestort Die Here wat ons moes aanbid, het gekom en Hom aan ons gebind Die Here wat ons moes dien, het gekom en ons bedien Die Here wat ons moes soek, het gekom en ons gevind Die Here wat ons moes volg, het ons gesoek en agter ons aan geloop Die Koning het Homself verneder sodat ons nooit weer verneder sal word nie.

8 Fred Craddock: Interpretation - Philippians
+ + Fred Craddock: Interpretation - Philippians + Paul understood all issues in the church to be theological, however practical they may have appeared, and so he addressed all issues theologically.

9 Fred Craddock: Interpretation - Philippians
+ + Fred Craddock: Interpretation - Philippians + Paul did not reserve theology for seminaries and clergy gatherings; it was the church’s theology, the church’s faith. Paul also did not subscribe to the notion that congregational problems and disputes should be answered practically and expediently as though big questions get big answers and small questions get small answers.

10 Fred Craddock: Interpretation - Philippians
+ + Fred Craddock: Interpretation - Philippians + On the contrary, small issues could be an indication that the church was suffering from the biggest problem of all: pettiness. Paul’s response to pettiness was a big answer: a hymn, a creed, a confession of faith.

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