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S C for C U SCCU ervice enter redit nions, Inc.. 1971 to 1982 offered bookkeeping services out of home office SCCU Organized in 1982 Provides Data Processing.

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Presentation on theme: "S C for C U SCCU ervice enter redit nions, Inc.. 1971 to 1982 offered bookkeeping services out of home office SCCU Organized in 1982 Provides Data Processing."— Presentation transcript:

1 S C for C U SCCU ervice enter redit nions, Inc.

2 1971 to 1982 offered bookkeeping services out of home office SCCU Organized in 1982 Provides Data Processing & Bookkeeping Services to Credit Unions Once involved – I was hooked Joni Brown – Owner and President 2 Full-Time Employees 5 Part-Time Employees Genesis Who are we?

3 SCCU Mission Offer affordable services to smaller credit unions Keep smaller credit unions going Slow down the liquidations and mergers Educate the movement that there is a place for smaller credit unions Being small doesnt mean unprofitable or unsuccessful

4 On-Line General Ledger Interest on Loans and Dividend Calculations Weekly Trial Balances Printed Statements Credit Checks and Reporting Loan Documents Bank Reconcilements Monthly Reports Budgets Allowance for Loan Loss Calculations Assistance with Writing Policies Services

5 Full Services 5 Credit Unions use SCCU as their office All transactions handled by SCCU Members call for information on their account Members request withdrawal checks and loan applications Loans are approved by various Credit Committees and/or Loan Officers Loans disbursed by SCCU Quarterly Statements prepared by SCCU and distributed to members via U.S. Mail or Inter-Office Distribution at each of the Credit Unions sponsored locations Marketing Materials are prepared and distributed by SCCU Prepare Board Packets Attend Monthly Board Meetings upon request Credit Unions are kept up-to-date with important regulation changes

6 Partial Services 13 Credit Unions use the Partial Services of SCCU Each credit union has their own office to conduct business Each credit union is provided with services tailored to fit their exact needs Services include but not limited to: Data Processing, Balancing of Daily and Monthly Work Bank Reconcilements Credit Reports Loan Documents Policy Updates and Changes

7 By the Numbers Service 18 Credit Unions networked to the Share One System Service 6 Credit Unions on an As Needed Basis Service 38 Credit Unions with Credit Reports MembershipAssets 18 Network CUs7,495 $22,215,440.93 as of 3/31/13 6 As Needed CUs5,964$28,315,218.00 as of 6/30/12

8 Target small Credit Unions with $10,000,000 and under in assets. These Credit Unions cannot afford full-time staff. SCCU offers services that they need. Credit Unions with over $10,000,000 in assets do not need most of the services SCCU offers. Marketing Geographically – Cover Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgomery, and Delaware Counties Have recently expanded service to Credit Unions in New Jersey

9 Marketing Word of Mouth is SCCUs most successful marketing tool. Regulators and Trade Associations have recommended our services. Therefore most of the credit unions have approached SCCU. In the beginning SCCU did marketing via personal letters and contacted credit unions directly.

10 SCCU Saves Money for Smaller Credit Unions Generic Forms Vouchers Envelopes Credit Bureau Reports Note and Disclosures Insurance – Disability & Life Statements/Forms Loan Applications Tax Reporting

11 Overhead Cost Spread Out Among all Credit Unions Office Staff Rent Utilities – Phone and Electric Office Supplies Computer Equipment

12 Usage Tracked Daily for Individual Credit Union Photocopies Fax Postage

13 Location Main office located outside Philadelphia in Bucks County. Credit Unions that use us as an office are located within a reasonable distance. Branch opened in northeast Philadelphia shared with a larger credit union. However, several credit unions have membership throughout Delaware Valley. These members transact their business via telephone and mail.

14 In some cases SCCU e-mails the files to credit unions and/or download files via the internet. Terminal Service Remote Internet Access has been added. 11 credit unions are presently taking advantage of this option. Location

15 Biggest Challenges? Staff Potential employees may not have Credit Union experience But must be dedicated and interested in helping others And Willing to Learn When looking, remember. 1 full time person has been with SCCU since start of operation 1 part time person has been with SCCU over 10 years Part of SCCUs success can be attributed to low employee turnover.

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