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South Australia’s recovery arrangements

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1 South Australia’s recovery arrangements
Ronnie Faggotter Director, State Recovery Office SA April 2017

2 Emergency Management Act 2004
“Recovery operations means the conduct of any measures (such as human, economic and environmental measures) taken during or after an emergency, being measures necessary to assist the re-establishment of the normal pattern of life of individuals, families and communities affected by the emergency and includes— the restoration of essential facilities and services; and the restoration of other facilities, services and social networks necessary for the normal functioning of a community; and the provision of information, material and personal needs; and the provision of means of emotional support; and the recovery of the natural environment; and support to assist the recovery of business;”

3 (Prevention & Preparedness)
Governance Emergency Management Council State Emergency Management Committee Advisory Groups MITIGATION (Prevention & Preparedness) RESPONSE RECOVERY PUBLIC INFO & WARNINGS The Emergency Management Council (EMC) is a committee of Cabinet and is chaired by the Premier. The State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) reports to the Emergency Management Council and is chaired by the Chief Executive, Department of the Premier and Cabinet. It oversees emergency management planning in the state. The SEMC is supported by Advisory groups that provide assurance to SEMC.

4 Governance - responsibilities
Duty Minister: represents Cabinet in the affected community and facilitates government assistance State recovery coordinator: ongoing responsibility for managing and coordinating recovery processes and advising govt. May also be appointed as Assistant State Coordinator – Recovery for declared emergencies State Recovery Office: ongoing assistance to the state recovery coordinator and coordination of recovery activities. Management and support to recovery leaders and consultative bodies at C/W, state and local levels State Recovery Committee: gathers information and facilitates liaison with other agencies. Member agencies plan and implement recovery programs pertinent to the agency Local recovery coordinator: establishes local recovery structures including recovery coordination and a local recovery committee

5 State Emergency Management Plan
Principles: Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery All-hazards Collective responsibility – all sectors Keeping the community informed Risk assessment and management Ongoing review Resilience-based approach

6 State Recovery Committee
Reps from state govt, local govt, NGOs Plans and prepares for disaster recovery Finance Sub-Committee – strategic financial advice Housing Sub-Committee – strategies for mass accommodation Oversees recovery from emergency events ABC local Radio, ARC, ERFSG, DECD, DEWNR, EFS, EPA, DHA, C/W DHS, Housing SA, Insurance Council of Australia, LGA, Logistics Functional Service/SAFECOM, DPTI, DPC, PIRSA, SAPOL, DSD, SES, DTF, Vol SA/NT

7 State Recovery Office Partners with C/W, state and local government agencies, NGOs, and communities to ensure plans, arrangements and capacity are ready for emergencies, through: Broad engagement, projects, field exercises, ongoing review of practices and policies, contribution to national level disaster recovery planning SRO supports: State Recovery Coordinator (CE DCSI) State Recovery Committee Zone recovery planning Local recovery operations Spontaneous volunteers and management of donated goods Matching requests for/providers of assistance

8 SEMP – event relationships

9 SEMP - activities

10 Recovery principles National Principles for Disaster Recovery
Understand context Recognise complexity Use community-led approaches Coordinate all activities Effective communication Acknowledge and build capacity The National Principles for Disaster Recovery underpin SA’s recovery activities

11 Recovery domains Four domains: Social Infrastructure Economic Natural
A reflection of this is that you can easily divide membership of the SRC into these domains. SEMP – recovery activities Recovery: Assists a community to restore emotional, social, economic and physical wellbeing reconstruct physical infrastructure restore the environment.

12 Recovery over time Recovery needs change over time.
During the emergency, and in its initial aftermath, the focus is on immediate relief needs of the community (Food, shelter, immediate financial support). These services are often provided through a relief centre. Some of the programs established in this phase (eg Public Communication and emotional support) will continue for the duration of the recovery operation. Once the emergency is over, the needs shift to deal with the immediate aftermath of the emergency. Infrastructure providers (Road, rail, telecommunications, water etc) will effect repair to their services to ensure the community can function. A recovery centre may be established. A recovery centre is a “one-stop-shop” for affected residents to access the services that have been made available. Medium to longer term recovery interventions focus on replacing that which was lost as a result of the disaster, including restoration of private infrastructure, environment and economy. It is during this phase that the community are heavily involved in community development and capacity building activities to increase resilience.


14 Zone planning State divided into 11 zones
Each zone has a Zone Emergency Management Committee (ZEMC) The ZEMCs are supported by SES Each ZEMC undertakes emergency risk assessment and planning for emergency management and recovery

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