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The future of the university Universities of the future

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Presentation on theme: "The future of the university Universities of the future"— Presentation transcript:

1 The future of the university Universities of the future
The LA 2020 and Future Learning Lab Workshop, September 22nd and 23rd, 2011 Welcome Two sides to our discussion: UiA, and the University as an institution Challenges. How to meet them. How to organize research around them. The future of the university Universities of the future

2 Eilif and Martha, welcome!

3 Welcome My name is Oddgeir Tveiten Starting story. Og to the website Then Arne Bang Some comments on the program

4 The future of the university Universities of the future
The program, the background Workshop, September 22nd and 23rd, 2011 Introduce Arne Bang The future of the university Universities of the future

5 Future Learning as a common vision at UiA:
The Strategy LA 2020, PULS, many research projects A challenge The interdisciplinary dialogue on ICT The connectors to regional industry, developers Our thinking about what a strategy is The Future Learning Lab project War of attention

6 Format of the program Thursday 9.00: Opening 10.30: Session Session : Session : Dinner Friday 9.00: Opening 10.30: Keynote : Keynote : Roundtable 15.30: Session 4 17:00: Close.

7 The future of the university Universities of the future
The LA 2020 and Future Learning Lab Workshop, September 22nd and 23rd, 2011 Oddgeirs 15 minutes of fame The future of the university Universities of the future

8 Eilif and Martha, welcome
Eilif and Martha, welcome! Future Learning at UiA, and the Future Learning Lab How Oddgeir Tveiten

9 Basically, challenge is this (RCN/Education 2020 – An ecxperience:)
The University Strategy….. And the position UiA can claim Will we Can we The Academic discussion on the matter Better, broader applications Broader, livelier regional innovation interactions Integration: Academia, business, the public sector

10 Wallenberg Hall NBNBNBNB

11 Trans-Atlantic Science Week
Punkt Fesitvalen UiA?

12 A brief selective history Why are we here?
500 - years of solitude Ten years that shook the world My remote, AND Tim Berners-Lee was the man leading the development of the World Wide Web (with help of course), the defining of HTML (hypertext markup language) used to create web pages, HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) and URLs (Universal Resource Locators). All of those developments took place between 1989 and 1991.Tim Berners-Lee was born in London, England and graduated in Physics from Oxford University in He is currently the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, the group that sets technical standards for the Web. Besides Tim Berners-Lee, Vinton Cerf is also named as an internet daddy. Ten years out of high school, Vinton Cerf begun co-designing and co-developing the protocols and structure of what became the Sean Parker – the inventor of Napster 1830´s: Telegraph, 1880´s: Gramophone, 1890s: Film, 1900´s: First robot, 3D film, 1920´s: Radio, 1940´s: TV, 1950´s: Satellite, 1970´s: Direct Broadcasting and Arpanet, 1980´s: Academic Intranets, 1990´s: The Internet, Web 1.0, Web 2.0, 2000´s: Social Media challenges Gutenberg.


14 Notes from the University Strategy
Academic and study environment – among the best in the country Several nationally leading research environments Strong international connections Innovative use of technology communications media

15 Notes from the University Strategy
Internationalization Information and communication technology Commercialization, enterepreneurship Regional research driven innovation But how?

16 This workshop Key challenges Identifying first steps – For us
ICT, Learning • ICT, Globalization Identifying first steps – For us First steps – need direction, goal But how? Creating a platform for greater involvement Research proposal work – broader UiA base! Getting involved in Silicon Valley – & bringing SV here…!

17 Workshop proposal sessions
The Future Learning Agenda – The UiA position Next Education 2020 proposal Contact Education – Digital Storytelling – Situated learning – Scaffolded Learning – eLearning… Regional Funds – The Future Learning Lab 2015: Future Learning as a Center of Excellence eHealth, eHealth education ICT Hospital – UiA collaboration

18 Future Learning: What position will UiA claim? Thank you

19 Trans-Atlantic Science Week
Punkt Fesitvalen UiA?

20 The future of the university Universities of the future
Session 1: What are our key ambitions – and how do we reach them? Introduce Arne Bang The future of the university Universities of the future

21 University strategy: ..the position
UiA: developing a culture of innovation Flexibility Systematize experience in the organization Making approprate arrangements to catalyze it A model university For active regional partnership For providing an international base / students A visible university In selected areas of expertise ICT in Teaching and Learning is one

22 Opportunities and possibilities

23 University strategy: ..excellent research
Selection – according to UiA strategy Criteria? How does selection occur? Processes? External, internal What are the barriers? How do we reduce them? What incentives are infective? How do we increase them?

24 Opportunities and possibilities

25 Trans-Atlantic Science Week
Punkt Fesitvalen UiA?

26 The future of the university Universities of the future
Session 2: How do we create a climate of collaboration? Defining our Learning Agenda Introduce Arne Bang The future of the university Universities of the future

27 What are we known for now?

28 What do we want to be known for?

29 University strategy: ..the position
A model university? Interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration? Explorative dialogue and collaboration? A visible university? Telling our story? Mediating our research?

30 University strategy: ..excellent research
Centers of excellence Regional integration Identifying partners in regional innovation Risks? Opportunities? Threats?

31 Trans-Atlantic Science Week
Punkt Fesitvalen UiA?

32 The future of the university Universities of the future
Session 3: The Challenge of Future Learning: Proposals on the table! Introduce Arne Bang The future of the university Universities of the future

33 Becoming a knowledge hub: ... roundtables
Educational technology ICT and learning The transdisciplinary challenge Maritime informatics Off-shore, On-shore Alternative energies, environment, crisis management Robust informatics, automation eHealth Data informatics, personalization, privacy User-oriented practice, media literacy Preventative education and remedial programs

34 What do we have? _____________________________________

35 Proposal work: ..excellent research
Defining the theme and the challenge Clarifying the local knowledge base Identifying potential partners Locating the UiA strategy points The question of funding Risks? Opportunities? Threats?

36 Key issues _____________________________________

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